Autumn has roared in, with this morning cold and drizzly, temps supposed to top out in the low 60s, and night time temps in the 40s. Though the temps will bravely struggle back up into the 80s mid-week, it’s back down to 60s-70s further on. I expect to see yellowing leaves and various plant die-backs in the coming days and weeks.
I don’t miss seeing the hot temps go away — but I’ll be darned if I know what happened to all the time I was going to do all those summer projects in …
Yes, I noticed yesterday that it was cooler there than here in Washington. We’re going to have 17º on you today. And my car’s air conditioner sprang another leak. 😛
Margie turned on the heater Sunday morning (for the sleepover kids) for the first time for the season. Which reminds me I should probably clean the humidifier …