It was one of those “I can’t think of anything I’d leave on the plate, but it sure was a lot to swallow” weekends — Brew at the Zoo, Kitten’s Sleepover, and the Nylons Concert. There were bits and pieces of free time in there, but not a whole heck of a lot.
It was a long weekend for Kitten, too — to hear her tell it. The sleepover, of course. But the being sat by Jackie at the house on Friday and at her place on Sunday also took it’s apparent toll — she was cranky and not-wanting-to-go-to-school and not-wanting-to-dress-up-for-school-pictures this morning, according to Margie.
(Though, as I noted, I didn’t particularly feel like coming to work, or getting dressed up for same.)
Let’s see if we can have a relatively more calm week. If nothing else, Margie and I have a ton of backlog TV to watch on the DVR, not to mention getting cracking with those Heroes season 1 DVDs.
I’m happy to report that Heroes stands up to repeated viewings. A friend is coming over to watch them (and constantly insisting that we can watch another one, even when we’re already up way too late), and I’m still gasping at little bits I’d forgotten.
Some of the deleted scenes are interesting, and some have us asking “What was different in that version?”
I haven’t watched listened to the commentary on any of the episodes (that seems to be available only on shows from the second half of the season, for some reason). I did watch one of the special features: the artist talking about his work on the show. I won’t mention his name, just in case you haven’t already heard. See if you can identify him from Isaac’s paintings.
Oh, I already know the artist. Spoiled by my comics trade reading, if not by recognizing it when I saw it. 🙂