I have an inordinate fondness for propaganda posters. I am not sure why. Perhaps it is because they are so purposeful in their message (no subtle deconstruction needed), or that their message is often ironically goofy (and utterly non-PC), the goofier the stronger it’s touted.
One of the best parts of touring the Tate Modern back on the last visit was the collection of Soviet Propaganda Posters. And here’s a new blog that continues the theme.
Every Soviet poster no matter the date of creation bears a stamp of expressiveness and graphical quality. The attention to details is awesome. The scope of techniques is endless. Soviet posters are a treasure chest with inspiration for any graphical designer, not to mention the seeing pleasure itself. And what’s important, every Soviet Poster has a historical reference essential for understanding the layers of meanings it carries through time.
Fun stuff, and the historic narrative with each post (from a Russian perspective) is quite interesting. Definitely going on the blogroll.
Here’s the latest entry, a 1954 poster warning, “If you do a pointless chat, you are helping spying rat!”
(via BoingBoing)