Scheduled DVD release for Series 1 from BBC America is coming 22 January. And between 15-26 October, you can vote on the cover art at the BBCa site. Nice.
The series is settling in nicely, as it goes. It’s not quite Whovian in quality, and it’s still finding its voice and tone, but I’m enjoying it.
I have to keep reminding the people around me that the scenes with firearms are far more traumatic to the regular audience than to us jaded audiences of the USA. It puts things into a slightly different perspective.
That’s an excellent point. There was that odd scene in the first episode where our police officer protagonist was being *trained* to shoot a gun *for the first time* — something nigh unthinkable in the US.
It’s interesting the Captain Jack — ostensibly American — is the real gun-toting shoot-em-up-er.
I wouldn’t say they are traumatic- it just marks them up as not your regular plod. Anybody who grew up with the Sweeney would be used to seeing gun toting cops as the heroes. Seeing them on the street is a rubber-necker though- if there’s a policeman carrying a gun you wonder what’s happening.