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Downtown musings

Looking at the potential commute to downtown: It would take extra time, a bit. Looking at the schedule, to get to the office downtown by 6:00a. on the F line,…

Looking at the potential commute to downtown:

  1. It would take extra time, a bit. Looking at the schedule, to get to the office downtown by 6:00a. on the F line, I’d have to be at the station by 5:23a. Figure 10 minutes to drive to the station and get parked and to the platform, that means leaving the house by 5:13a, which means getting up between 4:30 and 4:45a, rather than 4:55a as at present.
  2. Coming home, assuming I got on the train just a few minutes after 4, I’d be back at the station around 4:45p
  3. But I could read on the way in (and out). More reading, huzzah!
  4. In theory, this would also let me do office calls while on the train (at least to listen to them). And do e-mail on my Crackberry.
  5. Figure at present it is a 60 mile round trip to the office. Assume I am driving the full route Tuesdays and Thursdays, and two-thirds the route is the commute on Mondays and Wednesdays (the days I pick up Kitten from school), and I only do Fridays about half the time. That’s 40+60+40+60+30 = 230 miles. At about 23 mpg, let’s call that 10 gallons of gas per week, so 45 gallons per month, @$3.50/gal, that’s $158 in gas each month. A monthly express pass (three zones, A-C) comes to $108, saving $50/month just in gas (as well as more for wear and tear and, likely, dropping my insurance).

Just thoughts.

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4 thoughts on “Downtown musings”

  1. Been think about that as well ( using the accursed RTD) but the 2 hour each way ( vs 30 minute drive) commute is an annoying part of the equation. Yes, I would gety a lot of reading done it just that getting up 1.5 hours earlier does not sound appealing to me.

  2. I recently went from the car to the train (South NJ to Newark NJ) and getting used to a schedule other than your own was the hardest part for me to overcome. Of course there is also the crowds, chatty passengers and the dreaded bathroom car…My company also gives a transit credit each month which further sealed the deal.

    I did try reading but would continually dose off on the train. Now I listen to podcasts or read the paper

  3. Well, I did the bus back in 98-99 over essentially the same route, and that worked out well.

    Just talked to another IT guy who did the move, and he was very encouraging about it. He also noted that they do EcoPasses (which is an employer-based transit pass), which would save even more money.

    The only downside he noted is that they have sucky coffee service — which since I presently drink tea is hardly an issue.

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