Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Black kids booted from Philly club’s ‘whites-only’ pool – Ah. Here’s the beginning of the story. Yeesh. I’d hope this was datelined about 40 years ago, but …
- ‘Complexion’ of black camp kids not a problem at new pool – I missed the beginning of this story, but you can sniff out its stench in the body here, as well as in the appalling comments quoted. For all of you who consider this a “post-racial” society …
- Staver Exposes Obama’s Nefarious DOMA Scheme – It’s a plot! A plot, I tell you!
- Summarizing Negative Fan Reaction To Shatterstar – Not only can you not please all of the people to all of the time, but often the same people will be displeased even if you try to please just them.
- | City considers saving Coors Field’s scenic views – What a novel and worthwhile idea.
- A Brief Summary of the Ireland Blasphemy Law – I’m sure there are all sorts of folks who’d love to see something similar here.
- Hey, Netherlands: Fox News doesn’t like you [Pharyngula] – If the counter-example given to Dutch “militantly secular” society is George W. Bush … I know where I’d rather hang out.
- Warning, iDrive Lite Spams All Your Gmail Contacts Without Your Permission [Contact Scraping] – Spread the word. This is sucky behavior.
- I love the smell of the Chewbacca defense in the morning… – Wow — it’s rare you actually see someone literally dehumanize someone else.
- Granola and Masturbation – They’re Grrrrrrrreat!
- YouTube – Sesame Street: Grover discusses What Is Marriage? – What? A discussion of what marriage is that doesn’t mention God and the Bible and Spawning Young’uns and Properly Threaded Plumbing? Clearly Grover is a socialist pagan atheist liberal fuzzy-headed … oh, wait, he is fuzzy-headed …
- Hardware, Lightly Sauteed For Flavor – Yeah, I’ve had tech calls like that …
- Brian Kilmeade Would Like Species and ‘Ethnics’ to Remain Pure – fox & friends – Gawker – That’s some excellent, um, dementia he’s smoking there.
- Kindle Spying – Like most such things, it’s a very useful, even ingenious feature that creates some worry if it’s abused by the vendor (or through the vendor).
- FOX News Declares Obama Anti-Christian… For Air Force’s Decision to Keep Church and State Separate – Carrying on the idea of “If you are not for us, then you must be against us.”
- Sarah Palin’s not just a quitter — she’s a professional quitter. And taxpayers get the tab: David Neiwert
- Rupert Murdoch reporters in the UK illegally hacked thousands of peoples’ data: Cory Doctorow
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