Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Abstinence-Supporting GOP State Lawmaker Admits To Sex With 22-Year-Old Intern – Ah, still more GOP Family Values. “Abstinence for thee but not for me.”
- Conservative Activist Forwards Racist Pic Showing Obama As Witch Doctor – Ah – taking the moral high road, I see …
- Pro-Life really means Anti-Contraception – First they came for the homosexuals, but I didn’t say anything because I was straight. Then they came for the abortion doctors, but I didn’t say anything because I hadn’t had an abortion. Then they came for the folks using contraception …
- How to Troubleshoot a Flaky Internet Connection [Home Network] – Great article on diagnosing Internet failures. Making notes …
- What Worked Then – Size does matter.
- Time-Series Photos From Space of Aral Sea Death – This is just stunningly sad.
- Jindal Tours Louisiana Attacking ‘Washington Spending’ While Handing Out Jumbo-Sized Stimulus Checks – I’m shocked, shocked, to find political hypocrisy here!
- Research firm cited by GOP to oppose health care reform “is wholly owned by UnitedHealth Group, one of the nation’s largest insurers.” – I’m shocked, shocked, to find a insurance company-owned yet magically independent research firm being quoted by the Republicans here.
- George Will’s Crack Fact-Checkers Continue Their Nap | The Loom | Discover Magazine – You’re entitled to your own opinion, George, but not to your own facts.
- One shot: Space Invaders Extreme, the car: Brandon Boyer
- Catamaran – 2009-07-21 – Compromise is sometimes a very good thing.
- Thinking Is A Craft That Requires Practice: Smug Baldy
- Brit photographer who shot demolition of flyover arrested for terrorism: Cory Doctorow
- Press Conference – Money quote: “If we were living in some sort of Platonic ideal of The Republic, fine. We could study things and enact the very best plan possible. But in this world, we have John Boehner. And delay at this point means death to reform.”
- Do Not Use Twitter! – I can only assume it means, “Don’t stand there like an idiot texting ‘Hey, I found a fire, look at that!'” If so, it’s an interesting shift of “Twitter” into a more generic sense.
- I’m Going To Go Get Me Some Drive Thru… – Yes!
- some kind of “code” – I think I’ve figured it out – lots of folks are trained in using single quotes for Wiki markup to make things bold or italicized, and use double quotes in posters and signs assuming they will have the same effect. No? Huh.
- White weddings to include baptism – Jesus welcomed all to the table.
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