Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Wayfarers Chapel – That’s lovely.
- Ethos Water: charity profiteering: George
- Fixing the game – I don’t like baseball. I like this ad.
- Disney Stores to launch with new concept – It would be pretty cool if the Disney Stores were a special place to visit, not just somewhere to shop.
- Sarah Jane Has a Doctor’s Appointment – Trailer for (I presume) Series 3 of SJA. Series 2 will be out on DVD in the States in November (rubs hands in eager anticipation).
- Thundercats, Hoe
- October 2nd Was Stan Lee Day – Excelsior!
- Poll: Only 28% Of Republicans Believe American Health Care Best In World: Greg Sargent
- After Previously Blaming Obama For Slumping Markets, Boehner Now Downplays Surging Dow: Ben Armbruster
- Jon Stewart hits Fox for ignoring gay rights march after aggressively promoting 9/12 March. – “We report. You deride.”
- ‘What Up?’ RNC changes the name of widely mocked blog to ‘Change the Game,’ ditches floating Steele character. – Okay, okay, give ’em a break. Web site startups are always a bit rocky …
- Celebrate Halloween With A Good Old Fashioned Book Burning – I distinctly remember Jesus ordering his disciples to burn books. Or maybe that was in one of those Satanic mistranslations that isn’t the King James Version.
- Religion is an “Immutable Characteristic,” Sexual Orientation is Not – I’m sure there are those who would say, “Of course it is! It’s God-given, after all, and God is unchanging and everlasting, just like it says in the Bible! And anyone who would change their religion to something else is a heathen who deserves to be struck down — unless it’s to my religion, in which case it’s where he’s always supposed to have been in the first place, by God’s immutable grace. So there!”
- The Skinny on the Catwalk (Trigger Warning) – Wow. The Modelistas think I want women so skinny their ribs stick out. Really. Jeez.
- Christian is not a Religion – Exactly. In American society (and too many individuals), it’s simply the default setting, the assumed value. That’s neither good for society nor, I would argue, is it good for Christianity (Justice Scalia notwithstanding).
- Go watch Hubble’s Amazing Rescue.: Les
- Tiffany Tosses Pebble – See — the profit motive AND social conscience can live together. It’s a not always comfortable to do, but it’s good to see it when it does. Good on them.
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