Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- War Plan Red – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Blame Canada!
- Gay Pagan Witches Will Abort Your Kids! – Joe. My. God.: I’d roll my eyes, but the MFPC would probably think I was hexing them or something.
- Simon Maloy: RedState tries, fails to make a point about words in the health care bill – Media Matters for America – County Fair: Word counts mean things?
- Jamison Foser: WSJ’s Seib incentivizes Joe Lieberman’s health care lies – Media Matters for America – County Fair: Money graf: “What happens when reporters present politicians’ lies as truth? They encourage politicians to lie. That’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”
- Have the Media ‘Falsely Framed’ ACORN? – All you need to know is that ACORN IS A BUNCH OF CROOKS! You certainly don’t need to read a story about how the the Right’s smears of the organization got picked up and magnified by the lazy and/or criticism-averse mainstream media.
- Dems Hit CNN For Keeping RNC’s Castellanos On The Air – The Plum Line
- How the recession is affecting Thanksgiving. – Think Progress: It’s not too late to give for some folks who need giving to.
- YouTube – The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody [1080p]: This makes me happy! (Thanks, Kate!)
- O’Reilly: ‘Jesse Watters Is Responsible For Bill Moyers Leaving’ PBS – Think Progress: Papa Bear’s ego apparently does know no bounds.
- RNC Hires ‘Father Of The Modern Attack Ad’ To Run Communications Shop – Think Progress: What a charming individual, and truly well suited to his job.
- Official Google Reader Blog: Let your subscriptions’ personality come through – A nice QoL improvement of showing favicons for feeds.
- Cutty Out The Attitude – Not Always Right | Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes
- Really? This guy is conscious? [Pharyngula] – ScienceBlogs : Combined Feed: Reading further into this case, it’s still unclear what the proof is that the gent is actually conscious. The use of facilitated communication (the human Ouija board) is utterly discredited, but there are some other vague references in some stories to other diagnostic techniques that have confirmed it.
- How to lose an argument online – Seth’s Blog: I’ve certainly seen worse (counter)advice on the subject.
- Suspicious Fail: Oughta send ’em all back where they came from!
- Man trapped in a 23-year ‘coma’ was conscious entire time – Holy Kaw!: Wow — that’s right out of a horror novel …
- Medieval News: Website Launched on Medieval Monasteries in Awesomely cool. I’ve visited a number of these in the past. I may be Episcopalian, but I still weep over what Henry VIII’s dissolution did to the church architecture of Great Britain, including Wales.
- Conservatives Make a List to Measure Candidates’ Commitment – The GOP continues its lurch to the right by defining what a True Republican Candidate Must Believe. So you guys really think that the Dems won big last year because the GOP wasn’t conservative enough, and hadn’t purged enough of its squishy moderates? Really?
- “Have” a “Happy” Thanksgiving – Blogula Rasa
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De-FUBARred. *sigh*