Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Finally, a vote for Lael Brainard – “A mature, functioning democracy simply can’t operate this way and expect to thrive.” Maybe that’s the idea.
- Jukebox John keeps changing his tune – A sad, downward spiral of ideological integrity for a man whom many people used to admire.
- Sputtering Start to Religious Right’s Rebranding – It sounds like the meeting could have used some Prozac in the drinking water. Sure, the numbers were small, but the rhetoric was zany.
- Traditional Values Coalition Tells Senators To Block Judicial Nominee Because She’s A ‘Radical Lesbian’ – I guess she’s a “radical lesbian” because she’s (a) not closeted and (b) thinks gays shouldn’t be discriminated against. I guess that makes the TVC “radical conservatives” and Jim DeMint a “radical Republican.”
- How Medical Technetium Was Sabotaged By a Volcano [On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess] – Sometimes we have no idea how much things are interconnected — and how fragile some of those connections are.
- The BeetleCam Project – Damned clever!
- That would indeed freak me out. (via lissomlights) – Yikes.
- Drink coffee to persuade people – Health – ibnlive – Interesting — a good dose of caffeine helps someone concentrate on your message and be more easily persuaded … but too much serves as a jittery distraction.
- Iceland’s volcano – Very cool time-lapse graphic of the ash cloud.
- Do liberals read only liberal blogs? – while most of the blogs I read are liberal/progressive, there are some more centrist ones on my regular read list, and I make a point (esp. when I blog on a point) to drill down through to source material or alternative viewpoints. Granted, the latter is often to mock, but I do try to read more than just the snippets that others have quoted.
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