- Doing Write: 100 Words – "Some Assembly Required" http://bit.ly/d3v7ld #
- At lunch with one of the company XVPs (with a few dozen others). Will either be really interesting or frightfully boring … #
- Lady just came by with her new Droid Incredible. It was shipped to her in ONE DAY. Jealous! #
- Whoosh! Mad sprint down the block to catch the train. Plus, triffic cardio exercise! #
- RT @Alltop Are female orgasms essential to continuing the human species? http://om.ly/jSDb [[ Yes! Yes! YES! #
- Heavy rain may flood Front Range with 1.8 inches of precipitation tonight – The Denver Post http://bit.ly/9kroso + slushy snow rest of Thur. #
- Today's Safety Tip: When crumpling up a plastic grocery bag, make sure there aren't a couple of art project toothpicks still inside. Ouch. #
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