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Tweets from 2010-06-03

  • Lovely sunrise sky this morning. Almost makes it worth being up at sunrise. #
  • Boss man has been in India this wk, which means backlogged email from him 1st thing in a.m., then midmorning before bed. Mostly kinda nice. #
  • At the ceramics shop, watching K finish her bobble-head kitty, and turning in yet another gorgeous bowl by M. #
  • RT @StephenAtHome george w. bush has a facebook page. i bet he's clearing a lot of brush in farmville #
  • Forging boldly thru the "Leverage" S.2 DVD set. Not enjoying quite as much as S.1, but still a lot of fun, and I still love all the chars. #
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7 thoughts on “Tweets from 2010-06-03”

  1. Now that all of my shows except L&O: CI have ended, I am extra-eagerly awaiting the return of Leverage on June 20th. 🙂 That was quite a cliff-hanger, wasn’t it, Dave? Do you think that Nathan will… Oh, right. You haven’t seen the season finale yet. 🙁

    1. (Waggles his finger at Avo.)

      I don’t know if we’ll manage to get to the end of the S.2 DVDs before we head off for a variety of travel that will extend through the 6/20 season premiere. I’m planning on capturing it on DVR, regardless — though, to be honest, watching the eps sans commercials is just soooooo nice.

  2. Well, you don’t watch the commercials when you record the episodes, do you? You even have the fancy Skip Forward button on your remote now (wish mine would let me do that)!

  3. It’s been particularly annoying with Doctor Who, where not only am I now having to FF through the copious commericials during the BBCa broadcasts, but accepting that they’re cutting 10-20 minutes out of each ep (which means I’ll have to watch them again on DVD, shucky-darn).

  4. “Jarring”? After how many years of being forced to sit through commercials, or at best take a bio break? DVDs have made you forget what it was like before we had remotes, have they? Shame, shame! 😉

  5. I look back on a childhood watching stuff catch-as-catch-can on a tiny b&w VHF TV, and, yeah, I’ve gotten pretty spoiled. Heck VCRs were a huge QoL breakthrough.

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