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Tweets from 2010-06-19

  • To keep our Master Schedule, we’re back to Magic Kingdom today, picking up misc attractions we dashed by last night. Easy-going day. #wdw #
  • Space Mtn queue says 60m for stand-by but actually 30. Plus, fun games in line. Win! #wdw #
  • The most terrifying portent of things to come: watching K solo on the Autopia. #wdw #
  • Forgot Tomorrowland Terrace has sauteed onions and mushrooms. Yum. #wdw #
  • Now off to our FP on Space Mtn. Skips the games, but also all the switchbacks. #wdw #
  • Off to the Tea Cups. May now regret those sauteed onions. #wdw #
  • Hall of Presidents animatronics didn’t look very accurate, but the animation itself was faboo – much attention to subtle movements. #wdw #
  • Only 10 min stand-by for Big Thunder Mtn? inconceivable! On to some anticipated “getting wet” on Splash Mtn (35 min, 45 on FP). #wdw #
  • Well, guess we did spend the whole day at MK. Heading back for anticipated yummy dinner at Sanaa. #
  • And now, the deluge. #wdw #
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5 thoughts on “Tweets from 2010-06-19”

    1. Correct. It’s a load-spreading mechanism. You can (on a limited basis) get tickets for a short-line for a ride, sometime an hour to multiple hours later. Controversial in some quarters, and it carries its own problems with it, but it probably does lead to more frequent riding if used right.

    1. Well, I’ve never ridden much on the “old” Space Mountain. The new one was pretty cool, though. The inbound queue has some simple video games along the way that you can play with others while stuck in line. The ride is still rougher, I think, than the California version, but Margie informs me the track layout is mostly the same. Well worth the (twice in stand-by line, once via FP).

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