Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Scissors for Hitler – Spot. On.
- Video rewind: ABC Primetime on how Muslims are treated in the USA – Absolutely disgusting. Fundamentally anti-American. And, from my recollection of the Parable of the Good Samaritan, quite arguably anti-Christian.
- Deranged: American Family Radio’s Bryan Fischer: ‘No More Mosques, Period.’ – Wasn’t Sarah Palin just saying the other day that nobody was declaring that freedom of religion didn’t apply to Muslims? I expect to hear her denunciation of Mr Fischer’s ravings … any … minute … now …
- ‘Dr. Laura’ decides to quit radio after brain-dead N-word rant – I didn’t actually think Dr Laura’s tirade was all THAT bad. In many ways, this unapologetic resignation speech is even worse, as it conflates social opprobrium (which is everyone’s right) with a violation of the First Amendment and the government censorship of speech (which is forbidden). For someone who preaches responsibility so much, she’s ultimately ducking it herself, failing to take responsibility for offending a bunch of people — which, for someone who earns her living from celebrity and being listened to, is a career-limiting move. Laura, it’s not their fault; it’s yours. Be apologetic, or be defiant, but don’t play the martyr.
- 7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly) | – That’s comforting …
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