- RT @syntheticjesso 42: Not only is it The Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything, but it’s also the number of days left to @NaNoWriMo. #
- While everyone else was watching new TV last night, we finally watched last two eps of Doctor Who. Worth the wait and, arguably, the season. #
- RT @seesmic: New Seesmic Web launched with Multiple Twitter accounts support http://bit.ly/9VQ2os tip @techmeme #
- Charles Stross “The Jennifer Morgue”: Bond, babes, Lovecraft, demons, and computer nerds. Triffic fun. Highly recommended. #
- Local political ads are virtually indistinguishable in tone, graphics, message from shyster/ambulance chaser lawyer ads running beside them. #
UPDATED: It’s Charles Stross, not Charles Stoss. Duh.
Wait. You didn’t watch the season premiere of Chuck? Are you mad?
We sort of fell away from “Chuck” mid-last-season and never picked it back up.
You’re missing Linda Hamilton as his mom.
Ah. Fun.