He must be the most awesomest Muslim Atheist Anti-Christ President Ever! Because, if you can believe Wendy Wright, “president of Concerned Women for America, the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization,” Obama managed to break all Ten Commandments with his (are they still harping on this?) Affordable Care Act! Let’s see how he pulled off this diabolical anti-miracle.
(Wendy uses the Protestant / Orthodox numbering of the Commandments, vs. the Catholic/Lutheran numbering. Sorry for any confusion.)
![ten-commandments Moses and the Ten Commandments](https://hill-kleerup.org/blog/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/ten-commandments-229x300.jpg)
#10. You shall not covet.
See, Obama made all those poor, uninsured people a bunch of greedy greedbags for wanting to be able to take their sick child to the doctor like other people can. He fostered “covetousness” by making people realize that having “the best health care system in the world” doesn’t mean much if you’ve lost your job, or been kicked off your policy for a pre-existing condition, or because you started to cost the insurance company too much money.
Imagine — the nerve of some people wondering why their mom had to die when Suzie’s mom was able to afford surgery. It’s all about greed.
#9. You shall not bear false witness.
Apparently Obama made “wild accusations” and bore “malicious false witness” that doctors were sensitive to the fee structure incentives in the current medical reimbursement world, which could lead to things like unnecessary tonsillectomies or amputations. He also made the mistake of seriously overstating how much doctors were being reimbursed for such amputations.
#8. You shall not steal.
Taxation is theft. That is Ms. Wright’s thesis. Oh, also, because not all of the “taxes, fines, and raiding other accounts” will go to doctors to treat patients, but will go to a (debunked high number) of “bureaucracies” to administer it. (It’s okay when insurance companies do that, I guess, plus profit for shareholders and CEOs.)
#7. You shall not commit adultery.
This one’s a bit difficult to follow:
ObamaCare channels millions of dollars to graphic sex education programs which instruct kids as young as kindergartners to be sexually active. Read what some of the comprehensive sex education programs teach. This sets children up to take marriage vows lightly since “it’s just sex.”
I’m unaware of sex education being part of the Affordable Care Act, but I’m sure it’s in the federal budget somewhere. And besides, we all know Obama is a Hippy Liberal Muslim Marxist, and we know they’re all about free sex and flowers in their hair.
#6. You shall not murder.
Wright maintains that the ACA “allows government funding of abortion,” though most of the analysis presents this as a sketchy possibility, and Obama put out an Executive Order to settle it. That various pro-choice groups were outraged over these maneuverings seems to have not caught Wright’s attention.
(The whole question of whether a legal medical operation should be placed so out of bounds is grist for another blog post.)
#5. Honor your father and mother.
Rationing! Death Panels! They’re going to send our parents to Death Panels! And then grind them up into Soylent Green! No, really, that’s pretty much the argument about why this Commandment takes a hit.
#4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
The House made their final note on a Sunday, those apostate bastards. “It’s as if they went out of their way to thumb their noses at God and prove their disrespect.” Riiiiight.
#3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
You know how there were all those so-called Christians and folks on the “Religious Left” and other spiritual liberal types who were supporting ACA? Well, they were just “shameless props used by politicians to give the thin veneer of God’s approval. In effect, they used God’s name, His reputation, to promote something that contradicts His commandments.”
So by tricking a bunch of casual / ignorant / pliant quasi-Christians into pretending that “caring for the sick” was a Christian value, Obama was literally “taking” the LORD’s name in vain. Got it.
#2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image (false gods).
What do those who worship false gods do? They sacrifice to those gods, even despicable gods, in hopes that they will get something in return. Of course, these gods can’t deliver.
So because Obama wanted to pass the bill so much, and Congressfolk “sacrificed their reputations and careers to pass … a despised bill” that “isn’t delivering” — it’s just exactly the same as idolatry. QED.
#1. There is only one God.
ObamaCare sets up government as God! Or … something like that. There’s socialism mentioned, and riots, and Tea Parties, but this last one sort of falls into a muddled rhetorical mess (which, by standing out as such, is a real achievement).
So, there you have it: incontestable, insurmountable, incontrovertible truth that the Affordable Care Act clearly and sneeringly violates all ten of the Ten Commandments.
Next up: How the Affordable Care Act violates all Ten Amendments of the Bill of Rights, all Five Pillars of Islam, all Seven Deadly Sins, and all Three Stooges!
Surely for the Freepi, violating the five pillars of Islam is a *good* thing?
Not sure about The Three Stooges. Are they supposed to be Libruls or Conservatives?
I think Moe’s a Republican. Curly’s a Democrat — full of pratfalls and usually getting poked in the eye by Moe. Not sure about Larry.