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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 2-Nov-10 1730)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Fischer: “The American Standard Ought to be a Minimum of Three Children per Married Couple” – I have a suggestion for you, Bryan, but I’m afraid it wouldn’t be a particularly fruitful union.
  2. Garlow: Satan Is Attacking Marriage and Gingrich Is Saving Western Civilization – (1) Garlow’s theology and metaphors are interesting, but, ironically, would be considered heretical in some “traditionally orthodox” branches of Christianity. (2) Anyone who thinks of thrice-married (the second two to his while-married-mistresses) Newt Gingrich as a protector of Western Civilization or as someone who’s NOT attacking what Garlow would describe as marriage … has very little credibility on the subject.
  3. ABC Slams Breitbart’s Tantrum Over Not Being Allowed To Go On TV, Disinvites Him From Participating At All: Alex Seitz-Wald
  4. Palin Lashes Out Against ‘Out Of Touch’ Ed Gillespie, Warns GOP Against Compromising On Health Repeal – Please read Ms. Palin’s screed, which is nearly as incoherent rhetorically as it is from a policy standpoint.
  5. Wells Fargo Repossesses Fully Paid-Off Car – And how many people who didn’t get the ear of the local TV station would have had so fortunate a resolution?
  6. It doesn’t matter if you make change, if you don’t communicate change – Communication is one of the key components of leadership. Unwillingness to communicate is as bad as inability to do so — in some ways, worse.
  7. W3C tests HTML5 browser compatibility, crowns IE9 the champ – Congratulations to Microsoft for learning that imposing your own standards is ultimately a losing game — and for providing competition that Chrome and Firefox have to live up to.
  8. If you didn’t fall for it, they wouldn’t do it – Yup.
  9. Buying an Empty Bottle of Kitchen Cleaner Actually Isn’t a Scam [Design] – Clever.
  10. Study: Higher Minimum Wage Doesn’t Increase Unemployment – Cheap-labor conservatives beg to differ.
  11. Third Way’s supporters in Congress are going to lose, but the group wants to run the Democratic Party – I don’t care for extremism, and I think alienating folks in the center is a bad idea. That said, the GOP seems to be winning this cycle, not by trying to be all things to all people, but by embracing their lunatic fringe. Maybe if the Dems tried a few steps in that direction, they might be more successful.
  12. How stinky voting booths make you vote Republican (seriously): Gabriel Arana
  13. UK customers angry at agency model; considering piracy | TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics – Expect the book publishing industry to join the anti-piracy bandwagon, then complain that it doesn’t increase their sales so they need the government’s help policing it.
  14. Average airfare from DIA drops 33 percent over decade – The Denver Post – Not surprisingly, the reason is competition — United, Frontier, and Southwest all now have sizable and currently healthy operations here.
  15. Why would anyone commit voter fraud? – By Christopher Beam – Slate Magazine – “There are much better, safer, more efficient ways to steal an election, such as bribing an election official or tampering with voting machines. The punishment is just as harsh, but those methods require the participation of fewer people.” Yes, but focusing on those doesn’t help scare off the right sorts of people, or gin up outrage among the appropriate audience!
  16. 3 Reasons to Vote Tuesday – And three good reasons they are.
  17. The voter fraud & intimidation stories you won’t hear about on Fox | Media Matters for America – What? Fox playing up GOP vaporous allegations of voter fraud and ignoring reported cases of voter intimidation? I’m shocked, shocked!
  18. Right-Wing Agitprop Illegally Uses Photos Of Young ‘Socialist’ Obama – Stay classy, National Republican Trust PAC!
  19. Robo-Call Tells Kansas Voters That They Need Proof Of Home Ownership To Vote ‘On Wednesday’ – Here’s hoping we actually see some felony convictions out this. Not much hope, but …
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