Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Scammer Cracks Into Facebook Account And Hits Up Chat List For Cash: Ben Popken
- Found! Encyclopedia Britannica in use. – Funny. And wistfully sad.
- Infinitely Loopy [Cartoon] – That way lies going to bed at 2 in the morning (he said, knowingly).
- Buyer Remorse: New Poll: House Republicans doing worse job than the Democrats did – It is, of course, WAY too early to turn this into a prediction for next year’s elections. On the other hand, it makes one wonder how desperate it might make the GOP to do some REAL damage between now and then.
- Win a speaking role in the American Gods audiobook – Oooooh …
- During Bush Presidency, Current GOP Leaders Voted 19 Times To Increase Debt Limit By $4 Trillion – Yes, but nothing we did during the Bush Administration counts! In fact, we’re trying to ignore that there even was one!
- Gender Neutral – SMBC April 14, 2011 – Oh, my. I dedicate this one to Katherine.
- Key Senator Calls For Criminal Investigation Into Goldman Sachs’ ‘Shitty Deals’ – I won’t hold my breath.
- Shouldn’t a “Day of History” Feature Actual Historians? – Dolt.
- Bill Gates Didn’t ‘Get’ Gmail When It First Came Out [Gmail] – There’s a quotation that’s going to go down in the annals of tech history … “How could you need more than a gig?”
- Movie Studios Sue Online DVD Streaming Service Zediva – I don’t see how Zediva could defend their business model, unless they only show each copy of the movie to one person at a time (which might arguably emulate the video store model).
- Senator Durbin To Chase CEO: You’re Already Gouging The Consumer, So Stop Complaining – “There is no need for you to threaten your customers with higher fees when you and your bank are already making money hand-over-fist. And there is no need to make such threats in response to reform that simply tries to spare consumers from bearing the cost of interchange fees that are anticompetitive and unreasonably high.” Go, Dick, go!
- Federal Judge Rules Middle Schoolers Can Express Their Love Of “Boobies” – Yeah, like 12-14yo middle school boys really need bracelets to get distracted.
- Historical first look into the Fed’s bailout payments reveals breathtaking multi-trillion-dollar corruption – “What started off as a targeted effort to stop the bleeding in a few specific trouble spots became a gigantic feeding frenzy. It was “free money for shit,” says Barry Ritholtz, author of Bailout Nation. “It turned into ‘Give us your crap that you can’t get rid of otherwise.'”” That’s … just swell. And, little wonder that nobody’s gone to prison over the whole thing.
- Letting Bush tax cuts expire would solve 75% of deficit over next 5 years, 40% over 20 years – If only the GOP were actually serious about solving the deficit …
- Toothless Teabaggers? House GOPers ignoring Tea Party threats over budget – The TPers don’t contribute nearly as much to the GOP as Wall Street, so it’s hardly surprising.
- About the International Nuclear Event Scale – Looks like it’s a vaguely useful but easily misused / misunderstood scale.
- Sen. Jim Inhofe Lands His Cessna On Closed Cameron County Runway, Nearly Kills Construction Crew – Ah. Some more lovely details. Stay classy (but out of the air), Jimmy!
- Factcheck.Org Trumps Trump – Since when has being fact-checked ever affected a Birther argument?
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