Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Chuck Norris’s New Project: Fighting Creeping Sharia – Remind me why anyone pays attention to Chuck Norris? I mean, I don’t search out Steven Segal or Jean-Claude Van Damm for political or cultural advice, either.
- ThinkProgress » FLASHBACK: Ronald Reagan Raised Corporate Taxes To Force Tax Dodgers To ‘Pay Their Fair Share’ – Obviously Ronald Reagan hated America.
- Hypocritical Freakout over Shari’ah, but Not Biblical Law | Religion Dispatches – I’m shocked, shocked to find folks freaking out over Sharia law, but not analogous Biblical law.
- Study: Gay Teen Suicides Higher in Conservative, Republican Areas – Sadly, not a surprise.
- Retired Abu Ghraib Overlord Confirms Senate Run – It’s certainly “compelling” — when you throw in a few guard dogs and electrodes.
- Former Cheney Aide: Last 100 Years of Progressive Reforms All a Mistake – At least she’s being honest about it. I’m kind of hoping 2012 will in fact be a referendum on this, because I believe that most Americans consider this all part of what government should be doing (pesky taxes aside).
- Oracle gives up on OpenOffice after community forks the project – This is sad, but mostly sad because OpenOffice was a viable competitor to Microsoft Office, and Oracle completely fumbled the ball on this effort. I’m glad to hear the LibreOffice effort is continuing, but that loses some name- and mind-share.
- Lance Mannion: Onward Christian soldiers, at 24 frames per second – Some interesting thoughts on Christian movies and what they say about different strains of Christianity.
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