Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Amazon To Offer Library eBooks on Kindle – Good to hear. And, yes, it makes it much more likely I’ll check out library books on the Kindle.
- 2012 Subaru Impreza drops power and weight for MPGs – I’ll be curious to hear how it actually performs. Improving the Impreza mileage is pretty important, given the MPG drains of the AWD system.
- Why Do They Get to Decide? – It’s the foxes being asked to evaluate the security on the hen house.
- Security researchers find iPhones, 3G iPads track user location – Big Steve is watching you …
- Alan Keyes Brings the Crazy, Part 2 – To be the slightest bit charitable to Alan Keyes, we had to sit through eight years each of Clinton and Bush being accused of actively plotting to have military coups / martial law / black helicopters keep them in power.
- Jan Brewer Signs Bill Restricting Gay Adoption | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel – With everything else going on in Arizona, this is a “critical issue”? Yeesh.
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