Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Easter – It was nice having De over, and Ray’s always a great addition to the Great Easter Egg Hunt.
- Allen West: Liberal Women Are ‘Neutering American Men’ – Funny, my liberal woman makes me feel anything BUT a neuter.
- A big shakeup in the DOMA defense – Law firms are certainly within their rights to decide whether or not to take certain cases, or even to change their minds after a time. This is not a “To Kill a Mockingbird” attempt to save an innocent whom everyone else has abandoned. This is defense of a political policy, which may appeal on principle — but, then, it’s not being done out of a noble sense of “defending an unpopular position,” either.
- Even for Fox, a cheap attack – Stay classy (or at least truth-loving), Fox News! You really do justify that whole “Faux News” label sometimes.
- Define ‘peacetime’ – I see Mitt is going to run on the “reality-challenged” ticket.
- Mitt Romney Haunted By Past Of Trying To Help Uninsured Sick People | The Onion – Once again, the Onion is funniest (and saddest) when it’s closest to the truth.
- RI State Rep. Who Joked Of Pot-Smoking Immigrants Arrested On DUI Charge And Marijuana Possession – HA-HA! [/nelsonlaugh]
- Terry Jones goes free on $1 bond after jailing; judge bars him from mosque for 3 years | Detroit Free Press | – Terry Jones is a nutcase, but he deserves the same constitutional rights to be a nutcase as anyone else. (And, for all you on the Right out there — note that the ACLU is just as vehement as anyone else in supporting Jones’ First Amendment rights here.)
- Fischer Brings the Crazy, Part…Infinity : Dispatches from the Culture Wars – Already posted about this one, but always fun to see someone else take it on (more succinctly).
- Robertson: Left Backs Abortion Rights To Make Straight Women More Like Lesbians – I’m afraid Pat Robertson lost capacity for coherent thought on this matter (if not most matters) a decade or two ago.
- Rep. Chris Gibson Says ‘Illegal’ Immigrants Not Paying Taxes, Town Hall Attendee Asks: ‘You Mean Like GE?!’: Zaid Jilani
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