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Newt Gingrich is a Dolt (Holy Memory Hole Edition)

His take about the “crackdown” on conservatives is self-serving and inane.

Newt Gingrich, Dolt

I know I shouldn’t waste time discussing Newt Gingrich — the cut-throat GOP hack who bears a huge responsibility for the divisiveness of American politics today, almost a quarter century after he became Speaker of the House — but his commentary in Newsweek about the so-called war by the big tech giants on poor little conservatives distills down a bunch of current diatribes on the subject in a way that is, at least, illustrative.

When Twitter and Facebook decided to ban President Donald Trump, censor The New York Post and start erasing other people and institutions from their platforms, they started down a path which will have enormous consequences for them and for America.

When Google, Amazon and Apple joined in taking down Parler, a conservative social media platform, they reached critical mass in proving that an oligarchical cabal was potentially seeking to control public dialogue for all Americans.

Except it proves no such thing. It demonstrates, perhaps, that social media is largely concentrated in a few, most popular platforms — something encouraged, but not dictated, by those companies (something something free market something, isn’t that what you’re usually on about, Newt?) — but going from there to “seeking to control public dialog,” let alone “erasing people and institutions,” is a huge step.

Let’s start with a fundamental question, shall we? Or let’s make it two:

  1. Are social media companies (and their providers) required to give me an account so that I can use their tools?
  2. Are there any limits to what I can use that account to say?

We’ll get back to the first one shortly, because the second one is the key. And that brings us to Parler.

To be fair, it’s a nice logo.

On one level, I’m sorry to see Parler go, because I kept hoping it would drive the serious whackadoodles off of Twitter, rather than me having to block them or, when they go over the rails, report them. (Of course, what actually happened was those folk created Parler accounts, and then kept getting onto Twitter to talk about how horrible Twitter was, post their Parler account name in their profile, and continue to spew their normal nonsense.)

But nobody “took down” Parler because conservatives were “flocking” to it.

I could post, all day long, “Abortion is murder of a baby” or “Donald Trump is the greatest President ever,” and Twitter would never do a darned thing about it. I would expect to draw a lot of criticism, but those posts can be found all over Twitter (and, presumably, Facebook, a platform whose privacy policies I finally rid myself of months ago).

Why did Amazon (and Google and Apple) all get in the way of Parler’s operations by refusing to enable it? Because Parler refused to do anything about, quite literally, violent language and death threats on its own platform, and those companies didn’t want to be a part of that.

Here’s a page from the filing Amazon made in Parler’s lawsuit. It’s part of a list of comments Amazon presented to Parler over the course of months, complaining that Parler was in breach of the agreement with Amazon not to use its AWS servers to host violent content:

They seem nice.

Does Newt consider that “conservative speech” that needs protection?

Should Amazon be required to host it? Does Amazon’s own brand (let alone whatever corporate mission and vision it holds) take damage from such material being “powered by Amazon”?

Amazon repeatedly went back to Parler with these complaints. Parler showed an inability / unwillingness to do anything about it.

I would suggest Amazon (who was providing the virtual file servers) and Apple and Google (who were providing the optional but commonly used tools to install the Parler application) were fully within their right, under their terms of service, to no longer do business with Parler.

The same case can be made, with a bit more fuzz, in the case of Twitter and Facebook vs. Donald Trump and his enablers. In Twitter’s case, they have allowed Trump to say whatever the hell he wanted to — true, false, or outright crazy — up until after the election. When he started, post-election, started asserting as fact items that were untrue, up to and including the certification of the results of the election, they started flagging his comments as untrue.

And when he started making inflammatory comments that had already, demonstrably, led to violence — and, in fact, was defending the violence and the people who had caused it …

… they decided he had too egregiously violated their terms of service, and chose to cut off their (free) service to him. And they did the same for others who were actively plotting, or supporting plots, of violence against the nation’s political system and, in fact, politicians.

Newt considers this “seeking to control public dialogue for all Americans.”

People noticed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey had claimed the right to silence President Trump, who earned more than 74 million votes for reelection. The idea that a few oligarch billionaires could control the political discourse of America began to really worry people.

So there are two falsehoods in this statement.

First, nothing has been done to “silence President Trump.” Donald Trump remains one of the most powerful people in America. When he snaps his fingers, reporters gather, and the highest-rated cable “news” network in America hangs on and echoes his every word. His political operatives bury his potential supporters with blizzards of email sharing his opinions (and soliciting their money).

And as a private citizen, Donald Trump will remain (by his own claims) fabulously wealthy. He could buy or build whatever social media firm he put his mind to.

That two social media companies — two big ones, to be sure, but by no means the only way to communicate out there — have decided (accurately) that his actions violate the terms of using their service, they same as they would moderate any other individual, is by no means “silencing” him.

Heck, Donald — have someone rig up a server, connect it to the Internet, install WordPress on it, and build your own blog. Millions will flock to it. Zuckerberg and Dorsey aren’t obliged to do the work for you, any more than if Trump calls up Rachel Maddow during her show that she’s obliged to put him live on the air, or if Trump demands to have an opinion piece of his printed on the front page of the New York Times that they are obliged to do so.

Back when I was a kid, I can remember people saying that the Freedom of Speech didn’t mean that the government had to buy you a printing press.

(The Right has pressed forward for many years the idea that companies can have political and religious rights, and that companies with religious freedom should be able to not do business with whomever they want. Maybe if Twitter said it was about Jack Dorsey’s religious freedom, rather than about the company’s Terms of Service, Newt would back off.)

The second falsehood is that this “controls the political discourse of America.” The commentariat on the Right have long mocked the Left as being in an echo chamber on places like Twitter, and that the majority fo folk outside of Twitter think very differently. If so … then Trump not being on Twitter to give his opinion shouldn’t matter, should it?

Regardless, these take-downs were not about political opinion. Trump claiming he’s mastered China in foreign policy, or has been the best president possible about COVID-19, or that Joe Biden is a communist … none of that is what got him kicked off of Twitter.

This process of squeezing people out of the public square is inherently dangerous. As President Harry Truman warned, “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”

George Orwell’s 1984 (which was about a Western democracy devouring itself and its citizens in a totalitarian nightmare) captured this terrifying concept of the technological management of memory and opinion.

Except, of course, Twitter and Facebook and Google and Apple and Amazon aren’t the government. Their actions also have nothing to do with “silencing the voice of opposition,” just not being part of enabling that voice.

The cancel culture and social media erasure movements are strikingly like Orwell’s vision of a “memory hole,” in which ideas that those in power no longer deem valid are destroyed so people can no longer access them.

As an amateur historian, I certainly have concern over knowledge and history being lost. But that’s more a problem with our digital society as a whole. If the “failing” New York Times went out of business and took its archives with it, that would be a horrible loss of history and opinion — though I suspect Newt would not be as passionate about it.

But, then, invoking “cancel culture” as a bogey-man is problematic in itself. Did Newt flock to the defense of the Dixie Chicks when they were “canceled” by so many in the country music world for speaking out against George W Bush and the impending Iraq War? “Cancel culture” is, at its heart, a matter of consumer choice in a free marketplace of ideas, something one would assume Newt favors. If I find a media personality’s opinions on something (for example) particularly objectionable, I’m within my rights to avoid that personality. I’m within my rights to share my opinion about it with others. Heck, I might even feel like that the companies that continue to do business with that personality are enabling their message, and complain to them about it — and those companies may, in turn, reevaluate their relationship with that personality either on its own merit or with how it affects their bottom line, and are within their rights to act on that reevaluation.

The results may not be pleasant, or “fair,” or something that Newt (or I) would agree with, but society is messy, and there’s really nowhere in that process where you can demand that it be stopped without infringing on other, just as important rights.

And none of that involves the government, so the First Amendment has nothing to do with it.

The House Democrats’ new rules (adopted Jan. 3 with 217 Democrats voting in favor), which eliminate “mother,” “father,” “son,” “daughter” and more than a dozen other “inappropriate” gender-specific words from the Rules of the House of Representatives is another Orwellian example of retraining us to only think “appropriate” thoughts and use “appropriate” language. Truman’s fears are beginning to come true.

If the House Democrats suggested that official House business refrain from using a racial or religious epithet in reference to members of those groups, would that be Orwellian, Newt?

In this particular case, it’s even more limited than that: a single rules document has had a whole range of gendered language changed (e.g., “seafarer” for “seaman”). In the same set of changes, references to “he or she” were changed to more specific, but ungendered, language. (Was the original change from “he” to “he or she” Orwellian?). And, finally, in that one document, words like “mother” or “father” were replaced by “parent,” and “son” or “daughter” were replaced by “child.”


It’s not that words don’t mean things — in fact, the very reason for doing it is because words mean things — but this is less prescriptive than descriptive, reflecting how language and understanding of sex and gender roles as a society is changing. That may make Newt uncomfortable, but it’s not exactly Winston Smith time.

Some have argued that the protections of Section 230 make them indirect agents of the government. The Supreme Court has ruled consistently that private corporations acting as government agents are bound by the U.S. Constitution. Cutting off free speech is a violation of the First Amendment guarantee of liberties, and therefore the companies might be subject to fines and penalties for violating the constitutional rights of their customers.

If Newt is suggesting that businesses that have specific protections under law are arguably agents of the government, that opens a can of worms far bigger than I think Newt wants to go.

That said, I’m pretty sure you could get fired from your government job by posting on a government website, “White people need to ignite their racial identity and rain down suffering and death like a hurricane upon zionists,” First Amendment or not.

The guarantee against lawsuits made sense when we passed it in 1996 (while I was speaker), because it was an effort to grow what were then tiny, fragile companies. Those guarantees no longer make sense when you are dealing with gigantic worldwide institutions of enormous power and wealth.

One can argue whether having deep pockets magically changes whether a company should be sued for doing something or not (tort reform supporters — like, I believe, Newt, have argued the contrary for years, claiming that we need to change such laws because the allow frivolous lawsuits against big companies). But Newt is, intentionally or inadvertently, suggesting making the situation worse.

Because, yeah, in theory Google and Facebook and Twitter might change some of their moderation policies if they had a flood of lawsuits coming in. But, as noted, they are not the extent of social media. Would Parler have been able to stand up to the massive wave of litigation? Would, which hosts an array of blogs?

Heck, if I flag as spam or trash a comment as inappropriate or unpleasant or violent on this very blog, would Newt suggest that I should be a target of a lawsuit? (I mean, yeah, he might suggest it, but would he have an intellectually coherent basis for doing so?)

Third—and the approach I most favor—conservatives should simply create alternative communications systems to provide access for everyone who disagrees with the Left.

Well, duh. I think that’s the best solution, too.

It still backs into the problems that Parler had (and which other “we’re never going to moderate our forums, so come over here, conservative type” sites have had as well): without moderation, any social media site (left, right, or center) becomes a cess pit (see the Amazon material about Parler, above), and, legally, some moderation must, by law, take place, because not all “speech” is legal. Death threats and incitement to violence is not legal. Child pornography is not legal. Conspiracy to commit crimes is not legal.

Ironically, the genius behind the rise of Fox into the dominant news channel, Roger Ailes, had been driven out of political consulting by the Left because it feared and hated him.

That’s kind of a bizarro world interpretation of why Ailes voluntarily left political consulting to move into the media world.

Now, we have the latest effort by the left to rig the game, smother dissent, and dictate what we can think, say, and believe.

Weirdly enough, attempts to “smother dissent, and dictate what we can think, say, and believe” are more associated with conservative politics and religion, due to their inherent interest in preserving the status quo. Just saying there might be a little projection going on here.

(Yes, Leftists can be authoritarian as much as Rightists.)

Competition will destroy this left-wing groupthink machine much more quickly, decisively and safely than any effort to regulate or supervise the big internet giants, which will take massive time and effort to defeat their lobbying machines.

Go for it. Though I’d suggest that Facebook and Amazon, trivial evidence to the contrary, epitomize the Right-wing, big business, profit-at-all-costs model than anything the Right is liable to put in its place. But if Newt thinks that a conservative-focused social media / hosting company can (a) compete against Facebook and Twitter and Google and Apple and Amazon, and (b) not become a “big internet giant” and “groupthink machine,” any more than Fox News did not take on the worst aspects of being a big media giant and groupthink machine … there’s nothing stopping him from plowing his money into such an investment.

It’s a free country.

More than 74 million Americans voted for President Trump. At least half of them would be a potential market for an alternative social media-web hosting system. That would be a market of 37 million Americans. If only a small share of non-conservatives came to the new system, that would give it a potential market of more than 40 million Americans.

And over 81 million Americans voted for Biden. Given that only a  fraction of the US is on social media, Newt’s numbers here are kind of goofy. Twitter has 36 million active users in the US. Facebook has 190 million users (active or not) in the US — but most of them aren’t there for the politics (left, right, or center), but because their high school friends and family are there. The idea that a specifically conservative-driven social media / web hosting system would draw 40 million users seems … dubious.

But, hey, I’m not a media mogul. Again, go for it. Maybe Donald will invest, too.

I am convinced we Americans will reject domination by oligarchs and insist on our right to be free. We will not be thrown into the “memory hole” by a handful of rich liberals.

Newt never really does explain how banning violent accounts is somehow throwing Americans — even pro-Trump Americans — into the “memory hole,” but it sure sounds impressive.

But, then, Newt’s big into impressive, performative statements, like saying that 2020 is going to be a GOP blow-out like 2016, and like proclaiming he won’t accept Biden as President because, um, he’s angry about Biden. And that he and all the other people who are angry about Biden will mean a massive Republican win in 2022.

Of course, he also said that people angry about Clinton would mean a massive GOP win in 1998 — when the GOP ended up losing House seats, and Gingrich ended up losing his House Speaker job.

And so it goes.

Do you want to know more?

No, nobody is enjoying the COVID-19 crisis

I don’t enjoy wearing masks. But I do so anyway, because I’m a damned grown-up.

This started as a Twitter thread, but I wanted to get it down in my blog for the longer term.

There seems to be this weird myth going along amongst the anti-maskers, anti-distancing, anti-treating-#COVID19-as-a-serious-public-health-threat crowd, that their “opposition” are getting some special joy out of forcing people to obey all these restrictions, regulations, and shutdown activities that they are doing themselves.

Because the Founders, who regularly evacuated big cities during the summer, would have found mask-wearing a terrible, existential affront.

The idea that we’re all chortling over people being forced to wear masks, shut down businesses, and juggle questions of safety for ourselves, our kids, our parents, our friends, our communities … that idea is not just wrong, not just insulting, but this is maddeningly offensive.

I hate this. I hate all of this. Wearing masks. Treating my mom and in-laws like precious china and restricting myself to things that won’t, in passing, threaten them. Not traveling on vacation. Not having folk over for game day, or BBQs, or (99% likely) Thanksgiving. I HATE it.

Not knowing what is happening next, or when things will return to normal, or what normal will look like, is pretty awful, too.

And I say that as an introvert who, normally, would just as soon cocoon from the world and recharge my batteries. That little green “recharge is complete, better unplug or else you’ll damage the circuits” light is blinking.

This needful isolation is driving even me bats. So I sympathize with those who hate it even more than I do.

Too much of an often good thing.

Y’know what I hate more? People taking the measures I feel are moral imperatives to protect my family, my friends, myself … and spitting on them as some kook conspiracy, as some libtard craziness, as a hoax, as a political ploy.

Yeah, NOW they want to “be like Sweden.” Which only pursued its strategy because it had a robust, publicly funded, universally available health care system that it thought couldn’t be overwhelmed.

Spitting on science AND my own sacrifices as some unbelievable plot to steal some kindergarten sense of FREEDUMM! from people. And, in so doing, making this problem worse, and last longer.

Tantrums are unbecoming a nation that prides itself on strength and a history of resolve. Yet, here we are.

I have screen savers and digital frames of photos of the cool things our family has done: fun travel, enjoyable parties, get-togethers and the like. And I love those pix for the memories they recall, but they also taunt me because I can’t do things like that right now, because they are DANGEROUS to myself and my loved ones.

Probably not revisiting Greece any time soon. Assuming they’d let Americans back in the door in the first place.

And, again, introvert talking here. I am not the party-three-nights-a-weekend type. But even I need more direct social contact than I am getting.

For various folk to take having to wear a mask to visit their local Costco as some intolerable personal offense, when I am watching the clock run out on being able to travel with my mom to some of the places she’s always wanted to go … is infuriating.

Tantrums are unbecoming for [see previous caption]
Nobody wants this. Everyone hates this. And in some cases that translates into redirected hate, or at least anger, against people who are making the situation worse, by being self-indulgent, rebelling against sensible measures, and helping further spread this disease. Throwing away the sacrifices already made. Killing and crippling more people, and forcing shut-downs to last longer.

Yes, please, record your stupidity for posterity. Assuming you have one.

Or worse, those who encourage such irresponsible behavior in their words and deeds, to politically benefit themselves at the cost of goddamned freaking HUMAN LIVES.

This guy. THIS guy.

I am an adult. As such, I acknowledge I cannot do everything I want, and, in fact, am at times morally restrained from doing things that are attractive, things I want to do, things that would be fun, because the cost to myself and (most importantly) others would be too high.

A lesson we all learn. Sometimes repeatedly.

And sometimes, when temptation is too high or the risk too great, we actually restrict people from doing things. Sometimes temporarily — closing a road because of a possible slide, taping off a crime scene, check-points to find drunk drivers on a holiday weekend — and sometimes permanently.

That’s what being a mature adult is about. Not about stamping one’s foot and demanding “FREEDOM!” from restriction. That’s what six-year-olds do, because their worldview is strictly about them and their wants. Adults are supposed to be different.

We all do, honey. Now shut up and go to your room.

Liberty is not libertinism. Freedom is not about ignoring the freedom of others. We live in a society, not some Libertarian / Hobbesian war of all-against-all. Unless we want our lives to be nasty, brutish, and short.

Ah, the social contract. What we agree to do for each other, for mutual safety and prosperity. I remember those days. Good times, man, good times.

Argue, if you care to, about the facts. About what is actually needed. About how we get to the point where the survival-needful restrictions on our liberty (and economy and convenience and pleasure) can be eased. Have an honest, serious, greater-good discussion about that.

But don’t act like this is a cosmic battle between the Defenders of Liberty and the Right to Party Hearty vs. the Cackling Evil Hordes of Burka-Mandating Authoritarianism. Because you are not only profoundly wrong, but you are being profoundly insulting.


Independence Day

What is the meaning of July 4? Hint: It’s not about showing off tanks and jets.

When does the United States celebrate on July 4, “Independence Day”? What is it that John Adams wrote would be celebrated?

I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

Is it the first noteworthy conflict with soldiery of the nation we rebelled against? Nope, would be the Boston Massacre, September 13.

How about the first defined military conflict with the British, at Lexington and Concord? Nope, that’s April 19.

Any other major Revolutionary War battles? Bunker Hill? Crossing of the Delaware and Trenton? Saratoga? Nope, those are June 17, December 26, October 17.

The British surrender at Yorktown? Nope, October 19. The Treaty of Paris, where Great Britain and the United States formally ended the armed conflict, recognizing American independence? Nope, September 4.

Unlike a lot of other countries, we don’t celebrate our national birthday based on a battle or war or even a violent protest. We have different days set aside to celebrate our military (Veterans Day, Memorial Day, etc.). We even have a different day set aside for the patriotic symbol of the US Flag.

Nor is it a date chosen to celebrate great individuals and their accomplishments, even among that generation. Presidents Day (the conglomeration of Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays) shows up in February. Not many still celebrate Thomas Jefferson Day (April 13), though it was once a big thing.

July 4 represents something special, transcendent of any one battle, any one enemy, any assertion of martial power, any one individual. It celebrates the ratification of the Declaration of Independence.

And the Declaration isn’t about the force of arms, but a document — a political document, a philosophical document.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

It declares those human rights and, as a ramification of them, the right of a people to change or throw off a government that commits offenses against them, a government in which the people have no voice, no ability to consent in how they are governed.

It’s an imperfect document, if only for the compromise of removing a clause condemning slavery in order to get the required unanimity from the Southern states. But even that omission does not change the overarching message of human equality and human rights.

The Declaration is not a statement of military might. It is not about how we have the strongest army, the shiniest cannon, the pointiest bayonets, the fiercest soldiers, the most powerful ships of war. It is, instead, about values, about what is important, about the natural rights of human beings. It isn’t a screed against a specific foe so much as it is a statement of principle as to what political truths we stand by, what is important to us, transcending all national boundaries and political divisions.

It could have been a document about military conflict and war. It could have talked about how we’d beaten the British, how we were all taking up arms, how we would fight to the last man. It could have been about Us vs. Them, centering on that as its basis for declaring revolt against the Crown. Instead, it spoke of a higher set of principles, principles that applied no matter who was the strongest, who was the most powerful, indeed, no matter who actually won the conflict already begun.

As Lincoln wrote in 1859:

All honor to Jefferson — to the man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to introduce into a merely revolutionary document, an abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times, and so to embalm it there, that to-day, and in all coming days, it shall be a rebuke and a stumbling-block to the very harbingers of re-appearing tyranny and oppression.

That’s what we celebrate today. And those who seem obsessed with making it about military power, a display of our our might making us right, about how this day makes is bigger and better and more important than anyone else … it seems to me that they’re not only missing the point of the Declaration of Independence, and the day celebrating its ratification, they’re actively opposing it.

Back to the Bad Old Days

The Supreme Court is returning to its classic role of protector of the status quo and its power interests.

For over half a century, SCOTUS has been a key in enabling social change and promoting justice for the weak. Prior to that, it was more often a protector of the status quo and powerful, a conservative opponent to progress. We’re headed that way again.

Since, oh, the days of the Warren court, the Supreme Court has, imperfectly and to very broadly generalize, found ways that the words and principles of the Constitution protected those who needed protection. Brown vs. Board of Ed, Roe v. Wade,  Gideon v. Wainwright, Engel v. Vitale, New York Times v. Sullivan, Miranda v. Arizona, Loving v. Virginia, Texas v. Johnson, Lawrence v. Texas, United States v. Nixon,  Obergefell v. Hodges … the Court has found profound ways the Constitution protects individual freedom and equality under the law.

What most people today don’t realize is that, for much of its existence, the Supreme Court usually served as a conservative force for the status quo, protecting majorities and power structures and the establishment. This was not a matter of “activism” vs. “non-activism” (if the meaning and bounds of the Constitution were obvious and inarguable, then we wouldn’t need a Supreme Court, or we would need a court of one justice). It was the culture of what was expected of the Court, and resulted in everything from Dred Scott v Sanford to Plessy v. Ferguson to Korematsu v. United States.

Since the 1980s, conservatives in the US have been playing a long game to roll back the clock to those Bad Old Days. The nomination and (usual) confirmation of more ideologically reliable justices was part of that, and the strategy culminated in Mitch McConnell asserting a brand-new (and admittedly disingenuous) tradition of Never Letting a President Appoint a New Justice [When It’s Not One Of Our Presidents] to deny Obama a replacement on the Court.

The point of the article (link repeated below) is that the result is likely to be not only a return to a Supreme Court that protects the powerful interests within the US and majority sentiments over minority rights, but one that will eagerly roll back the last 60-70 years of precedent (stare decisis be damned). Those who find protections of free speech, of minority rights, to be of value, will need to consider how to protect them against a conservative majority that wants to turn the judicial clock back to the 1940s, if not the 1840s.

Do you want to know more? We need to prepare for a complete reversal of the role the Supreme Court plays in our lives – The Washington Post

Donald Trump revisits why he banned transgender folk from the military

Which is, at best, delusional. At worst, it’s simple self-justified prejudice.

Oh, you British press. You don’t sweat over whether you’ll be invited to the next US Presidential Press Conference, so you’re free, free, to ask irritating questions …

On his trip to the UK, Donald granted a single interview. It was to Piers Morgan (a one-time “Celebrity Apprentice” contestant), who actually raised some difficult issues for Donald to answer.  While his farcical answers about climate change drew the most national press attention, I found his answers about transgender folk in the military to be even more indicative of … well, something unpleasant.

Morgan pressed Trump about his self-trumpeted support for LGBT* folk, in the face of multiple actions against that community, in particular transgender people, and specifically booting them out of the military.

Trump trotted out a singular reason — the incredibly high cost of dealing with transgender folk in transition. The problem is, not only is that not what his administration argued in court about the ban, it’s also simply not true.

Quoth Donald:

Because they take massive amounts of drugs — they have to — and also, and you’re not allowed to take drugs, you know, in the military, you’re not allowed to take any drugs, you take an aspirin. And they have to, after the operation, they have to, they have no choice, they have to. And you have to actually break rules and regulations in order to have that.

When Morgan noted that the costs of hormone therapy were relatively small, and less than the amount the Pentagon spends on Viagra prescriptions, Trump went on:

Well, it is what it is. Look, massive amounts, and, also, people were going in and then asking for the operation, and the operation is $200,000, $250,000, and getting the operation, the recovery period is long, and they have to take large amounts of drugs after that, for whatever reason, but large amounts, and that’s not — the way it is. I mean, you can’t do that. So, yeah, I said, when it came time to make a decision on that, and because of the drugs, and also because of the cost of the operation, people were going in —

Morgan noted the number of transgender folk who had served with distinction. Trump replied:

Well, I’m proud of them, I’m proud of them, I think it’s great, but you have to have a standard, and you have to stick by that standard. And we have a great military, and I want to keep it that way, and maybe they’d be phenomenal, I think they probably would be. But, again, you have very strict rules and regulations on drugs and prescription drugs and all of these different things and — they blow it out of the water.

How many ways is this inaccurate? Let me hit a couple, speaking in the context of having a transmale son who is going through treatment, etc., at the present time.

  1. Actively serving military personnel are, in fact, “allowed to take drugs” that are prescribed. To take a simple case, military personnel can be diabetic and still serve, even as they have to take insulin.Indeed, the Trump Administration’s own self-justifying re-study of transfolk in the military found that “roughly three times more cisgender men want testosterone supplements than transgender patients.” And, of course, most famously (and as Morgan points out), the Pentagon spends significantly more on Viagra for serving personnel than it has ever spent on hormone treatment for trans folk.

    Speaking anecdotally, the required hormone treatment is not “massive,” and is, in fact, not even all that frequent. It’s certainly less obtrusive or regular than insulin shots.

  2. In no world except, perhaps, high fashion is gender reassignment surgery — “the operation” — a six-figure number, even a low six-figure number. That’s an order of magnitude higher (based on the Pentagon’s own numbers) than even full-blown surgery, something that not all transgender folk go in for.
  3. The idea that transgender folk are enlisting in the military in “massive amounts,” just to get gender reassignment surgery — which doesn’t remove from them the obligation to serve, potentially in combat zone — seems … a bit far-fetched. Okay, it seems like a paranoid delusion.On the other hand, is it any different from someone saying, “I’m going to join the Army so I can get trained for free in XYZ … and so that I get access to VA benefits for the rest of my life”?

The other point worth noting is that this is only a small fraction of the arguments previously raised by Trump’s Administration in court as to why they couldn’t possibly have trans folk serving (even though they’ve been serving with distinction). Those arguments included:

  • Arguments about “unit cohesion” in the face of transwomen being grouped with ciswomen (or transmen being grouped with cismen) — an argument a federal judge noted echoed arguments as to why blacks couldn’t possibly serve alongside whites, or why women couldn’t possibly be admitted into the military.
  • Arguments (based on debunked studies) about whether trans folk were mentally or emotionally stable.

Despite Donald’s expressed sentiment that trans folk would be “phenomenal” in the military, despite fact checking by the interviewer, despite the noted track record of openly trans folk serving in the military … Donald just won’t have it.

Which raises the question: is it simply because he personally thinks trans folk are icky and deluded and unfit (no matter what he says publicly)? Or is it because he feel he can score points among supporters who think trans folk are icky and deluded and unfit (no matter what he says publicly)?

Neither says much about the coherence of Donald’ statements or his moral leadership.

Do you want to know more?

The Oil (and Gas) Must Flow

Should disrupting pipeline construction draw multi-decade jail terms? (No.)

I have no great problem with punishing those who vandalize pipelines, either during construction or, especially, during operation.

States and the feds moving to punish protesters that impede or disrupt construction with multi-decade prison terms? Yeah, that seems (sadly typical) pressing of the government’s thumb down on the scales in favor of a highly lucrative (and controversial) big business.

I mean, it’s not like there aren’t other laws on the books — for vandalism, for trespass, etc. — that can address such protesters in a more balanced fashion. But twenty years? That’s beyond penalties for Assault with a Deadly Weapon (felony) using a machine gun.

Do you want to know more?  Trump pushes up to 20 years in prison for pipeline protesters – ThinkProgress

The End of Marriage in Alabama (not really)

Dropping most state marriage paperwork is a good thing for sketchy reasons.

Alabama is ending state marriage licenses and ceremony requirements. File an affidavit and you’re hitched. Apparently a way to keep some judges from getting pissy about having to issue same-sex marriage licenses, but whatever.

So this is kind of interesting. Alabama has been still struggling with government workers — probate judges in particular — refusing to sign marriage licenses for same-sex couples, even though it’s been established as  completely legal. Somehow they feel they are going to get sodomy cooties or something by “participating” in a marriage between two people of the same gender, even though there’s no sign that they do any similar vetting of all the other marriages they are willing to sign off on.

(Judicial signing of a marriage license indicates that it is a lawful marriage, not necessarily a moral one or praiseworthy one or attractive one or one that meets one’s interpretation of God’s approval. If the latter were the case, I would expect a whole lot fewer marriages, and a lot less patience for judges.)

Current Alabama law only says that a judge may sign licenses, so county probate judges who object to gay folk getting married have been refusing to sign any licenses, meaning people are sometimes forced to drive to another county to get their paperwork done, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Ew! Gay wedding cake cooties!

Rather than telling people to do their job or get fired for it, Alabama is pulling an end run: they’re getting rid of marriage licenses and compulsory marriage ceremonies altogether. Now nobody has to “sign off” on a marriage except the participants.

That’s actually not a bad thing, even if it’s for, um, dubious reasons. Couples wanting to marry will now need only sign an affidavit that they are legal to do so. Zip-zoom, you may kiss your partner. No judges required to sign on the license. No officiant “solemnizing” and signing off that they witnessed the ceremony as an official witness. Like any other legal contract (which, from the perspective of the state, marriage is), the participants sign on the dotted line and it’s done.

It’s expected most folk will still want a wedding ceremony of some sort — gloom and doom predictions about the death of the marriage industry in Alabama seem wildly exaggerated to me. And now those probate judges who don’t want to sully their fingers dealing with Those People and Their Unholy Alliances (at least until there are wills to be probated) can remain ritually pure and pretend to virtue.

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SCOTUS takes on LGBTQ employment and Title VII

Is LGBTQ discrimination actually sexual discrimination? (I think so.)

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a combined set of cases, based on differing rulings in US Circuit courts, as to whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects LGBTQ individuals from employment discrimination — specifically, in these cases, whether an employer can fire someone for being gay.

The issue is whether Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits sex discrimination, protects LGBT people from job discrimination. Title VII does not specifically mention sexual orientation or transgender status, but federal appeals courts in Chicago and New York have ruled recently that gay and lesbian employees are entitled to protection from discrimination. The federal appeals court in Cincinnati has extended similar protections for transgender people.

While it’s almost certainly true that the congressfolk who passed the Civil Rights Act 55 years ago gave no thought to it protecting LGBTQ folk (indeed, I suspect that, had that been mentioned during legislative debates they would have carved out an explicit suggestion), it would not be the first time the letter of the law has been used to give new meaning to the law as society has changed, as new applications have come up, etc.

So, for example, Title VII has been used to prevent firings based on stereotypes regarding sex — regarding dress, hairstyle, behavior. “I fired her because she wanted to wear pants and I won’t have any pants-wearing women in my office” will get you in a load of trouble these days, because you are deciding to discriminate based on the sex of the worker and what you expect from them because of that. Or, put another way, if you would have a different criterion on what’s acceptable (wearing pants) from an employee based on their sex, e.g., only when it’s women doing it, not men, you are engaging in discrimination based on sex.

Various courts have taken this precedent to say that singling out sexual orientation (for example) as a basis for firing is also discriminatory — “I fired him because he kissed a man and I won’t have any man-kissing men in my office” is a parallel construction, and if your restriction on kissing men is only when it’s men who do it, not women, then it’s discrimination based on sex.

It’s a logical argument to me, but that “what would a congressman in 1964 have said” has also weighed on the various courts that have considered it. As SCOTUS takes up the challenge, how Trump’s two appointees, one of them very much an originalist, will weigh in on the cases is of particular interest.

Of course, all of this could be easily resolved if Congress passed a law explicitly adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the protected classes under the Civil Rights Act. But that seems highly unlikely, given GOP control of both the Senate and, of course, the White House.

The other wild card here is with the question — as it’s been so far ducked by SCOTUS — of whether “religious freedom” trumps such civil rights laws — allowing people with “sincere religious beliefs” to discriminate under the Civil Rights Act, most prominently against LGBTQ individuals, but also potentially based on sex, age, religion, etc. How that plays out will probably be an even more significant question.

Do you want to know more? Supreme Court to hear LGBT job discrimination cases | PBS NewsHour

“Oppression is whatever a body’s obliged to do”

The hijab can be a symbol of oppression or of freedom

The hijab — the scarf-neck-head covering worn by some Muslim women — is not actually dictated per se by the Koran, but is a traditional dress in some parts of the Muslim world that has been tied to religious and theocratic rulings. It’s controversial in a number of places as religious wear, and as Muslim religious wear, but also as a sign of oppression against women in the Muslim world (and, as such, often conflated with other and more restrictive garb to hide, mask, or enforce the modesty of women).

Ilhan Omar, in hijab

The first article below demonstrates, though, that it’s not a matter of either-or. Some Muslim women (such as Ilhan Omar) wear hijab as a sign of their religious devotion, and celebrate it as a personal freedom. Others, esp. those living in some Middle Eastern Muslim nations, have it forced on them by state law, and consider it as a constriction of freedom.

The conflict seems perfectly understandable to me, analogous to another example of religious identification. I know a number of Jewish people, especially women, who wear a Star of David as a necklace, as an expression of their religious belief. Nobody (aside from anti-Semites) thinks a thing of it, save perhaps observing how cool it is that someone can choose to wear the symbol openly and without government sanction.

But if you had a law (as in Nazi Germany) where Jews were forced to wear a Star of David on their clothing to identify them as Jews … that’s clearly oppressive.

From there, it seems straightforward to celebrate that  Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab have the freedom to do so … but to condemn nations who mandate that all women do so (or even more).

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Title via Mark Twain, who put it regarding work and play in Tom Sawyer:

Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.

The “Equality Act” is back in the legislative queue

But will Republican Senators have to pay any attention to it?

The analysis here is, honestly, optimistic. Even though a significant majority of Americans overall favor the Equality Act — extending federal civil rights protection for employment, housing, and public business access to the LGBT populace — a majority of Republican voters don’t.  And so, presumably, the GOP in the Senate will block it, en masse or simply by Mitch McConnell issuing a pocket veto by not bringing it to the floor.

The only glimmer of hope is the Senate race in 2020 is as bad for the GOP as it was in 2018 for the Dems. There are a number of GOP Senators running in “purple” states (including my own Cory Gardner) that might find their race all the more difficult should they be too hardline against this bill, whatever their personal preferences.

Will that be enough? We will see. Especially since the opposition is making it clear and loud their argument is that they have a religious right to discriminate against anyone they want — in employment, in housing, in business services — and so adding another “protected class,” especially one they’re willing to publicly desire to discriminate against, is a profound wrong.

As I said, we will see.

Do you want to know more? Legislation banning LGBTQ discrimination could split the Republican Party – The Washington Post

Finding “safe places” to wear a MAGA hat

Cats in hats might get into spats

I don’t condone physical retaliation against anyone wearing provocative political wear… but it’s also disingenuous to pretend that such garb isn’t making a statement, and looking for a response.

Or, put another way …

A MAGA hat is a product sold by Donald Trump. It’s a product worn by Donald Trump. It’s a product in support of — financially and ideologically — the President of the United States and, by extension, his policies.

Some people clearly feel that’s keen. Indeed, I would assume that number includes folk wearing such a hat. But clearly other people (if one looks at disapproval polling numbers, a significant majority of Americans) disagree with that sentiment, sometimes with passion as well.

Indeed, for people who feel that Trump represents an existential threat to themselves or their loved ones, that passion can understandably boil over in the face of what they see as provocation. I don’t see a MAGA hat as “Fighting Words,” but it’s not beyond my imagination that some do.

Still, I can’t condone people acting with violence toward such headwear without any further provocation. But unpleasantness, perhaps verbal confrontation, a measure of social opprobrium, perhaps. Carrying a message into public is asking for a response to that message — and that response may be camaraderie as a fellow-traveler, or something quite different.

(That’s true whether we’re talking a MAGA hat, or a Gay Rights hat, or a Radical Christianist hat, or a “Tax the Wealthy” hat.  A hat that makes a statement to people has to be expected to draw a reaction to that statement.)

So maybe an app that lets MAGA hat wearers hang out with people who won’t disagree with them is a good idea. True, it’s largely been conservatives who have condemned the idea of “safe spaces” …

To wrap things up, it’s worthwhile considering what constitutes such a “safe space” according to the app developers?

– Does this business serve persons of every political belief?

There have been times and places where folk wearing leftist regalia were not welcomed to patronize a business — and political stance is not a protected class under the civil rights laws — but, sure.

– Will this business protect its customers if they are attacked for political reasons?

I suppose it depends on what one means by “attack”. Physical assault? That makes sense. Someone who verbally indicates disagreement with a political statement? (“MAGA!” “Eat the Rich!” “Gay people are going to roast in hell!” “Death to Infidels!”) I suppose it depends on whether it disrupts other customers.

– Does this business allow legal concealed carry under this state’s laws?

Huh. That’s an interesting thing to lump under “safe spaces.”

– Does this business avoid politics in its ads and social media postings?

Does that include expressing conservative political sentiment?

In other words, is the intent to come up with a “safe space” for any person, regardless of their politics? Or just for people who wear MAGA hats?

Also, it’s interesting that avoiding politics in ads and social media is being valued here, when you’re looking to literally march around in clothing that is expressing politics.

So, how is that app working out?

 “Finally, I am able to avoid places which don’t respect America and [the] US Constitution. Eat your heart out, snowflakes,” wrote one user, who rated the app five stars.

Huh. The irony is almost overwhelming.

Rights and the Brain

RT @OutandEqual: Today, and every day, Out & Equal honors the queer and ally women who have, and are, blazing new trails. Watch @ananavarro…

“I think it’s embarrassing for the country to allow protesters”

Quoth Donald, the President of the United States.

Trump made the remarks in an Oval Office interview with the Daily Caller hours after his Supreme Court nominee, Brett M. Kavanaugh, was greeted by protests on the first day of his confirmation hearings on Capitol Hill. “I don’t know why they don’t take care of a situation like that,” Trump said. “I think it’s embarrassing for the country to allow protesters. You don’t even know what side the protesters are on.” He added: “In the old days, we used to throw them out. Today, I guess they just keep screaming.”

More than 70 people were arrested after they repeatedly heckled Kavanaugh and senators at Tuesday’s hearing.

I guess Donald didn’t quite get the line in his Presidential oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Which includes, of course, that embarrassing “freedom of speech” part.


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Abusing hate crime statutes

I've never been fond of hate crime laws, just because the seem to be so subjective, esp. along the fringes. Here's another reason against them: abuse of such laws by the police.

On Sept. 23, 2016, Robbie Sanderson, a 52-year-old Black man from North Carolina, was arrested for retail theft by in Crafton, a small town near Pittsburgh. During the arrest, Sanderson called police “Nazis,” “skinheads” and “Gestapo,” according to an affidavit of probable cause filed by the Crafton Borough police. For that, he was charged with a hate crime.

That stemmed from this part:

After Sanderson called the police derogatory names, the affidavit states, he also told them “that’s why motherfuckers are killing y’all out here” and “all you cops just shoot people for no reason.” And police said that Sanderson told one officer, Brian Tully, that he was going to find his wife and have sex with her.

That part qualified for 1st degree misdemeanor "terroristic threats" — but Pennsylvania's ethnic intimidation / hate crime law boosts the severity by a tick. Since the police claimed that the ethnic intimidation showed a racial bias behind the terroristic threats, the crime was filed as a 3rd degree felony.

All of which sounds very different from what most people would call terroristic threats, or how they might view the normal way that ethnic intimidation works.

Of course, as the article notes, the ethnic intimidation part is sort of there more as a bargaining chip than anything else. The vast majority of such cases reviewed showed the charge was dropped, usually (as in this case) as part of a plea deal. That's how a lot of these charges are used by police and prosecutors — "Well, you're looking at 25 years when we put you away, but if you cop to this graciously reduced reduced set of charges, it means you'll only do 5" — and thus why they are tossed around so easily and quickly and imaginatively.

A Black Man Called The Cops Nazis–And Was Charged With A Hate Crime
A Pennsylvania hate crime statute is being used by law enforcement to punish angry arrestees.

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Trump’s Immigration Debacle is … still a debacle

"Oh, he's backed off everything, hooray, on to other news!"

Not quite. Because not only was his backing-off full of weasel-words, and reliant largely on the good graces of ICE and CBP, but there remain the over 2000 kids already separated from their families, and that's continuing to be a horrible, destructive mess.

"Oh, but a judge has told them to fix the problem, hooray, on to other news!"

Yeah, except you know it's not going to be that simple, because the agencies involved will appeal that order (and, hell, given how SCOTUS is headed, in the three-odd years it takes to go through the appeals cycles, they'll probably strike it down, deferring to the executive branch to handle "national security" issues as they see fit).

And in the meantime … we get stories like the one below[1], where "unaccompanied" (because they were torn from their parents) toddlers are being brought into court for immigration hearings. Yes, they're being represented, but they can't articulate why they're here, why an asylum request is warranted, or even where the heck their parents are or what their names are. And how can they possibly be turned over to "someone" or deported "somewhere" without connecting with proper, associated adults, which is tough …

… when you don't have paperwork demonstrating who these kids are.

And the parents, on the other hand, even if released from custody — deported, or let go within this country — and even if they somehow manage to track down these kids, are suddenly finding that they can't even prove the kids are theirs [2]. Because even if they had birth certificates and the like with them when they crossed the border, those documents were all confiscated upon arrest, and are not returned when the parents are released. In fact, it appears that they are destroyed, "not retained".

It's difficult to imagine an arrangement designed so poorly that wasn't done so by intent, even if by intentional neglect.


Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone | The Texas Tribune
As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 years old are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.

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Un-American radicals demand open borders, free stuff for illegals!

I mean, get a load of these libtards and the America-destroying policies they suggest — open borders, work permits for Mexicans, clear rejection of even a fence (let alone a wall), reference to their own family members being part of the invading horde, and, of course, suggesting all those folk who have sneaked across and are stealing our jobs and raping our women and breeding anchor babies like rabbits should get free stuff, as if they were as good as US citizens.

Where the hell did they dredge these un-patriotic crazies up, Europe? Good thing America knows better than to listen to traitors like this!

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Trump, the Chaos-Bringer, Strikes Again

First, the political. There’s been all the brouhaha these past few weeks about the de facto family border separation policy that the Trump Administration enacted. He ended up by the end of this week giving at least the motions of backing down in the face of opposition from the public and from even his own party in Congress, party protest that provoked seeming to finally get off the pot in voting on immigration reform.

Trump then pivoted and told Congressional Republicans that they were “wasting their time” talking about immigration before the Mid-Terms, which is particularly zany when they were talking about it only because he had stepped on himself in the news on the topic. And he did that even as he was meddling in Congressional discussions about the two competing bills that were in Congress, a hard-right version and one that is only awful.

And all of that in the bag, we now get this:

President Trump on Sunday explicitly advocated depriving undocumented immigrants of their due-process rights, arguing that people who cross the border into the United States illegally must immediately be deported without trial ….

So in many ways, we can do a full stop right there. This is a direct attack on the rule of law, and on the Constitution.

The Executive Branch does not get to simply say, “You’re guilty” and pass judgment. That’s precisely why we have courts.

Among other things, just look at the 14th Amendment, which says the government may not “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

It doesn’t say “citizen”. It doesn’t say “person legally present”. It says any person.

That in turn includes the very question of determining if someone actually is in the country properly. That’s why, in part, we have immigration courts, and we don’t just have cowboys on horses riding around and picking up people who look funny or talk funny or do something else that attracts xenophobic reaction, and hauling those people to a border crossing and booting them out.

In many ways, this is parallel to the case of prisoner in Gitmo. Folk like Trump wave their hands and say, “They’re terrorists! Why do they need a trial? Lock ’em up and throw away the key.”

Except that the determination of someone being a criminal is not being arrested or picked up or apprehended or accused. We have courts and trials to decide that under the rule of law. The stereotype of the rogue cop acting as “judge, jury, and executioner” is villainous precisely because it subverts that separation of powers that promote actual justice.

Because it all boils down to, “How do you know?” How do you know they’re a terrorist? Well, they are being treated like one. How do you know they are an illegal alien? Well, they don’t speak the language well, or we picked them up doing something funny, or they look just like the illegals we arrested last week.

And if you can’t answer “How do you know?” better than that, then you’re advocating for extending the same logic to any criminal matter. How do you know they are guilty? Well, the police arrested them. How do you know they committed the crime? Well, look, they’re in jail, where the police put them.

If you can do this to accused terrorists, to accused border-crossers — you can do it to anyone. For anything.

You know, like in those countries that we used to criticize for doing just that very thing.

Of course, Donald Trump is an old hand at this. The case of the Central Park 5 stands out in this. [1] For him, the fact of arrest and his own snap judgment (or something he hears on Fox) determines actual guilt.

Except, of course, when it’s one of his friends and cohorts. At which time, the accusations are dismissed as a witch hunt, the law enforcement agency is accused of being corrupt, and Donald notes that the person is only accused which doesn’t mean that they are guilty.

Due process for me, but not for thee.

(This assumes that Donald is being, at least, honest. The whole thing could be simply red meat thrown to his xenophobic base, whatever he actually believes.)

Moving on.

In a pair of tweets sent during his drive to his Virginia golf course, …

Remember when Trump used to criticize Obama for how much time and money was spent on his golf playing. Yeah, those were good times.

… Trump described immigrants as invaders …

I’m sure all those evangelical supporters of Trump will hasten to point out to him all the biblical verses calling on the faithful to welcome foreign strangers, sojourners, non-natives, and the like.

I’m waiting …

… and wrote that U.S. immigration laws are “a mockery” and must be changed to take away trial rights from undocumented migrants. “We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country,” Trump wrote. “When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order.”

So if we think a part of our government is a mockery, it’s okay to want it gotten rid of? Okay, making a note of that …

Anyway, again, here’s Trump saying that because he doesn’t like the results or the processes, he’s just plain old happy to strip people of due process. “Hey, you’re illegal, get out.”

That doesn’t strike me as particularly, um, respectful of the law, or of the legal principles this country was founded upon. Almost, one might call it, a mockery.

He continues with the non sequitur:

“Most children come without parents.”

So …?

I mean, is the argument that because their children they should be summarily kicked out? Or is he suggesting that his border separation policy is okay because still more kids are dealt with as unaccompanied minors who haven’t had their parents dragged away from them?

Neither is particularly coherent.

The president continued in a second tweet, “Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years!’

If there’s one thing Donald is sensitive about, it’s the idea that someone might be laughing at him, esp. some peer that he thinks should be showing him respect. He’s sort of like a Mafia Don in that way.

So, one must wonder, who precisely has been laughing at our immigration policy. I mean, the laughter is happening “all over the world,” so clearly we should see some headlines about it, or reports of how all his fellow world leaders make fun of him.

Now, Donald does have a point that a mathematician from, say, Norway, who has been going through the legal immigration process, might resent someone hopping the queue, as it were. But, then, that person probably isn’t fleeing abject poverty, drug cartel or political violence, disease, sickness, and death.

People don’t cross the Southwest Desert on a whim. People don’t bring their families with them through northern Mexico just because they’ve heard they can live on Easy Street in the US and get an Obamaphone. People don’t take all those risks just because they’ve heard it’s easy to be a rapist up in America. I’m not going to encourage illegal immigration, but I’m also not going to make up libels about those doing it, as our President does.

Immigration must be based on merit — we need people who will help to Make America Great Again!”

Maybe so — but I don’t trust Donald or his cohorts to define “merit” … or “Great.” Among other things, respect for the rule of law should be considered important, and if people committing a crime in coming here have demonstrated some question as to quality [2], so too are politicians who want to treat “arrest” as “guilt” and act accordingly.



[2] Though, in fact, there’s a fair body of evidence that indicate that illegal immigrants are on the whole less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.


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SCOTUS rules that cell phone records can require a search warrant

Cell phone companies have records of calls and locations (via tower records) that can provide a bonanza of data for law enforcement trying to see where someone (or their phone, at least) is at any given time, potentially for years.

The Supreme Court, in a narrow 5-4 decision, has decided that if the police want that data, they need to get a search warrant from a judge. Which, honestly, is not all that high of a burden, but it prevents fishing expeditions and casual use of such info.

Cops dislike search warrants, because they require arguing that there's a reason for them to search. This decision is a significant win for American privacy rights, without actually doing that much to slow legitimate law enforcement efforts.

Supreme court bans police access to phone records without a warrant | Law | The Guardian

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“Where Are My Clients’ Kids?”

So I've been taking project management classes. And I've run a lot of projects. And here's how you run a good project.

1. Understand the needs.
2. Figure out what you are going to do about it.
3. Build that solution, prepare for it, deploy the resources for it, test it, plan the deployment process.
4. Deploy it.
5. Monitor what's going on to make sure that the change took place well.
6. Declare victory and have a party.

The Trump Administration's execution of their "Zero Tolerance" immigration policy was do 2, do 4, do 6.

No really understanding of what's going on, certainly no planning or consideration of what it might mean, or what harm it might do, or even what the political fall-out would be.

Or, let me put it another way: If you are going to pursue a draconian policy that will clearly mean that kids will be torn away from their parents, then you must plan both for what is going to do with those kids and how you will reunite those kids and parents at the other end of that process.

(This assumes you have already done the moral calculus regarding this policy and decided that the existential threat to the nation outweighs the horror of ripping kids from their parents — and are ready to stand up and defend that moral calculus.)

Instead, the Trump Administration just set up the policy, and then started scrambling to find enough chain link fencing and empty warehouse stores and tent city sites to build on military bases, and then realized that they had to duck answers, then lie, then make up stuff, then start planning, then still lie about how parents would be reunited with their children.

(This is making the huge assumption that the principles involved actually give a flying fuck about moral calculus or pain-and-suffering or trauma. That this is simply being a bunch of bumbling ideologues who had no idea of what they were doing, and so did it really badly, as opposed to these being evil people who actually revel in suffering, or psychopaths who simply cannot empathize with it. Which, given the number of high ranking government officials on record before the fact talking about how this would be a fabulous deterrent against illegal immigrants, is probably a poor assumption.)

This story is from a Assistant Federal Public Defender in El Paso, Texas, who is having to explain to parents why he can't tell them where their children are, and to Federal Prosecutors why that's a question that they should be able to answer. It's worth reading.


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We're separating children and parents — with no idea of how to reunite them

And, it seems, little intent to do so.

Kid and parents aren't being tracked together except during initial handling by CBP — as they move forward, their cases are being handled by very different agencies, which don't seem to be following such tracking … such that there are documented cases where the parents have been deported back home, and the kids are still somewhere in the US, difficult to track down even for immigration lawyers here, let alone for parents in impoverished villages in Central America.

The separation policy, especially give that it seems to be being done mostly for publicity and to give Trump leverage in immigration debates with the Democrats, is demonstrably inhumane. That it's being bungled, or handled in such a haphazard and neglectful fashion by intent, is unconscionable.

(Dear Readers Who Decide to Say, "Well, it's the parents' fault for crossing into the US illegally," you have both missed a number of points and are showing a lack of empathy that borders on psychopathy, and you will be booted to the door.)

(Dear Readers Who Decide to Say, "This is all the Democrats' fault for [fake historical reasons] / not giving in to Trump's demands," do some actual research [start with], and also consider what actions on the President's part you are justifying in his pursuit of his own political advantage.)

The Government Has No Plan for Reuniting the Immigrant Families It Is Tearing Apart | The New Yorker

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