- Shutting my computer dowCARRIER LOST #
- Group thru airport security with neither Grope nor Glow. A good start! #
- Are we there yet? #
- Mary & Stan have joined the party. Now we just need a cleric and a ranger and we'll be set for the quest! #
- Now everyone is debating who would be which class. Consensus is I'm the bard. Duck harp for the win! #
- On plane #1 of 3. Excited! #
- So far, hoity-toity "Premier" flier class has been a nice time-saver. Next leg: major knee-saver. #
- . @MargieKleerup Let's all tweet like the nerdies tweet. Tweet, tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! #
- Next stop, Chi-town! #
- Look, a City of Big Shoulders! #
- RT @davidvnewman: @Three_Star_Dave @meoswell @pedzz_bd @MargieKleerup if you guy tweet the whole trip at this rate I will go insane 🙂 #
- All Premier Fliers are premier, but some are more premier than others. #
- Ready to cross the pond. Next stop, Italy! Well, no, actually Germany. But Italy right after that, I am assured! #
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