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Unblogged Bits (Sat. 18-Jun-11 2330)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Justice Thomas Caught Up In Yet Another Ethical Tangle – Stay classy, Clarence!
  2. Gawker Scoops MSM, Confirms Ailes As One Of Chris Christie’s Advisers – Best media money can buy!
  3. Bryan Fischer + Rick Perry = American Theocratic Fascism [Pharyngula] – I’ve never been one of those “If this happens, I’m moving to [fill in other country name]” kind of guys, and, yes, I’m lazy enough that I wouldn’t do so. But I’m also painfully aware that someone like Rick Perry becoming the Prez (with Bryan “Dolt” Fischer supporting him) would be a final sign of the decline of the United States into second world irrelevancy.
  4. Weekend Diversion: And now, they’re coming for me. Yeah, me. Because I write for you. [Starts With A Bang]
  5. » NOTHING EVER CHANGES – Sex remains the third rail of American culture. We are increasingly cynical about all manner of malfeasance, but we get our panties in a wad over anything that whiffs of sexual scandal. Except, of course, if it’s a Republican, in which case a tearful repentance means all is forgiven.
  6. Daily Kos: The conservative war on facts
  7. Dutch coins feature QR codes, promise ‘surprises’ – On the one hand, awesome. On the other hand, built-in obsolescence.
  8. Friday Fun: Nation Down To Last Hundred Grown-Ups [Confessions of a Science Librarian] – ‘”Imagine confronting a problem directly instead of pointing a finger, cowering in fear, or pretending it just isn’t happening,” Ambler added. “This is how these people actually live, if you can believe that.”‘
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