Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Following Fischer’s Views To Their Scriptural Conclusion – Fischer’s not only a dolt, but a scripturally incoherent one as well. And, off the top of my head, I can think of Jesus commenting on “permitted and prescribed” killing twice in the Gospels, and neither seem to be in favor of it. But, then, we all know Fischer’s a lot more Old than New Testament.
- What I do when I can’t hear someone. – HA! I mean, um, interesting.
- Libya: Father slit throats of girls raped by Gaddafi’s men | Mail Online – There are times it’s a good thing nobody’s made me deity of the world.
- ‘Star Wars’ Blu-ray Controversy: Has George Lucas Made Two Terrible Audio Alterations to the Original Trilogy? – I had little interest in buying yet another version of Star Wars anyway, so not that big a deal.
- Religious Freedom: Tenn. Court Affirms That Isn’t Just For Christians Any More « The Wall of Separation – Excellent.
- Brian Azzarello Talks Wonder Woman! – This is one of the first interviews I’ve read about the DC reboot to actually make me feel positive about it.
- The Religious Right’s Twisted View Of Religious Freedom – “To the Religious Right, preventing outside groups from attending funerals and offering prayers at services where they are not wanted or requested is a violation of the religious freedom of the volunteers.” Wonder how many of them felt that way about the Westboro idjits, who they now join in doltitude.
- We have a very spoilery discussion about Justice League with Geoff Johns and Jim Lee – Um … not very spoilery. (And, really, Jim … redesigning Darkseid? Sh’yeah, right.)
- Fischer: “It’s Not A Problem When A Christian Says That” – The problem that I and other have in addressing a dolt like Bryan Fischer is that we expect some sort of consistency — which is ultimately silly, because, to Fischer, anything Christians do is by definition Holy, anything Muslims do is by definition Demonic, and it doesn’t matter if they’re doing the same things because Jesus only loves one set of them and hates the others.
- I’m Sorry – Have to remember this one.
- Read the fan mail a 16-year-old George R.R. Martin sent to Stan Lee – I have no doubt there’s a lot of modern authors who can be found in the old letters pages of comic books.
- ABC Viewers In Uproar Over Chaz Bono Choice For “Dancing With The Stars” – I am so incredibly not interested in DWtS that it beggars the imagination. That said, I’m almost tempted to watch it, just to spite these yahoos.
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