So, if the three members of your zombie apocalypse team (along with you) are the (a) protagonist from the last thing you read, you watched, and you played … "how screwed are you?"
I'm pretty lucky, I guess: Honor Harrington (from David Weber's space opera book series), Ms. Marvel (from the "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" cartoon), and Velorio (my dual-pistols blaster from City of Heroes ).
So no worries on my part, and a bit of relief it wasn't William McKinley, Patrick Jayne, and … well, the gaming bit is always going to be pretty kick-ass. #ddtb
Reshared post from +Helena Bertinelli
Katniss from the Hunger Games, Wolverine from X-Men and Carth Onasi from Knights of the Old Republic. I think I'll be all right (:
Thanks to +Emily Vitori (:
The last book I read is non-fiction, so I guess I'll end up with Katniss there. I also get the Doctor from Doctor Who and a hero from Heroes of Might and Magic. She can cast spells, so I think I'll be alright.
I would worry about team members #1 – Tabitha from PURE by Terra Elan McAvoy and #2 – Emma from “Once Upon a Time,” if I didn’t have Commander Shepard from Mass Effect on my side as well.
Read: Dash Rendar (Star Wars: Shadow Games by Michael Reeves and Maya Kathryn Bohnhoff)
Watched: Green Lantern (voiced by Nathan Fillion in Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, which I think should have been called Tales of the Green Lantern Corps)
Played: My Elf hunter Avodir in The Lord of the Rings Online (come play for free on Silverlode!)
I think it would go fairly well.
Also, this (which I posted in another response a short while ago but it’s even more appropriate here)
Eli Sisters – The Sisters Brothers
I’ll assume Fiction for watched, so…
Tyrion Lannister – Game of Thrones
Haka (no last name yet since I’ve no complete chapter
one yet) Imperial Assassin – SWTOR
So, should be at least entertained with plenty of headshots.
Assuming fiction since non-fiction makes it hard to find a protagonist.
So: Garret from Cook’s Garrett, PI series, Hellboy from Hellboy II, the Golden Army, and … it’s been a very long time since I’ve played anything that involved a protagonist, so I can’t really remember who is the most recent one, but with Hellboy on my team, I think I can live with just the three of us.
@DaveN – Yeah, and Garrett won’t be a slouch in figuring out how to deal with the situation, either.
Damn, this whole exercise is conjuring up any number of awesome fanfic zombie apocalypse tales.
Angel (Angel finale), Buffy (Buffy finale), and Dr Horrible.
I'm good to go.
Book: Rereading the Campion novels – not sure how my help we will be but he is a quick thinker and well connected.
Movie: Since I am in the middle of a LoTR movie-fest with Katherine Do I get Aragorn, Gandalf or Frodo – I pick Gandalf the White.
Gaming Character: Just rolled an elf champion on LoTRo – low level but definitely melee trained
@Margie – Not a bad combo. Campion, at least, would make things entertaining.
Remember, it's one person from Read, one person from Watched, one person from Played.
Though Doctor Horrible in a zombie apocalypse would be … interesting.
Okay, that makes me feel better for skipping Spider Island.
I suppose Spidey and Buffy would be helpful, but the Grue would only be of assistance when it was completely dark, which is not how I'd want to be with zombies around.
Nice… I get Roland of Gilead the Gunslinger, Rick from The Walking Dead, and myself/SpecOps from Counter-Strike.
All happen to be experts at headshots!
Those sound too good to be true, but I actually just finished the 4th book of the Dark Tower series, I just watched the season 2 finale of The Walking Dead last night, and I play CS everyday.
I wonder if the Doctor can convince the zombies to leave the human race alone in the future…I might not even need my other two!
+Logan Cate, I'm afraid that the Doctor would promise you and your team that he'd take care of you, try to talk the zombies into leaving you alone, and then apologize with guilty "I'm sorry!"s to each of you as the zombies caught you whilst fleeing. One of you would probably survive, but the rest would be toast (see the "Voyage of the Damned" episode for an analog).
Eh, that's why Katniss and Aine are around. In case the Doctor fails.
On the other hand, watch A Good Man Goes to War to see what happens when his companions are taken from him.
John Carter (Warlord of Mars, with his awesome Radium pistol), The Doctor and a bunch of Angry Birds. I think John will survive while the Doctor and I throw birds at the Zombies . . .
@Arty – Well, John Carter could stand up to an endless horde of zombies even without his radium pistol, just his cutlass and fighting leathers …
I’m not convinced of the utility of Angry Birds vs. Zombies. At least assuming you (of course) have a limited number in any given melee.
I remain concerned about the Doctor’s usefulness vs. zombies, given his track record in keeping groups of people around him alive.
Cabin in the Woods, a romantic suspense where everyone was an amusing idiot, and The God Engines.
I think I know which one is going to get eaten first, and it isn’t the kids’ horror writer.
If I had been two chapters farther along, I would have Han Solo instead of Dash Rendar. Is it too late to change the line-up?
I'm not a Gamer. So, words with friends? I did try to play Zork a little after reading Ready Player One. Maybe I could bring a Grue?
So, Buffy, a Grue, and Spider-Man. (ugh, I did not like Spider Island)
I'm in pretty amazing shape. The team is largely dysfunctional, but any one of them could probably fight a nigh-infinite number of zombies without breaking a sweat. Played Exalted a few days ago, and haven't had an opportunity to play/watch anything since then.