Shockingly, anti-Muslim outrage sweeps the Internet over a gooftastic story!
Because when you have (a) the Internet and (b) outrageous stories about (c) Muslims, who needs, y'know, actual fact-checking. If it breeds screeds, it leads!
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Egypt 'necrophilia law'? Hooey, utter hooey.
'Necrophilia law'? Don't believe everything you read on the Internet, kids. At least until there's like, you know, some proof.
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It's a rather extraordinary claim, isn't it? But we're awfully quick to believe awful things about our enemies. Whoever we are told that should be.
Given that Mohammed is regularly described by anti-Muslims as a child molester (based on the history given for him), and Muslims are generally framed as barbarians and sociopaths and uncivilized wretches, it's hardly surprising it got traction (nor that such luminaries as Mark Steyn grabbed and ran for the goal line, crowing all the way).
Hmm… there IS something to the attitude of some Muslim extremists toward child brides. And Mohammed's life was a bit creepy in that respect. It takes some mental discipline not to extrapolate those examples to all of Islam – and people who gain power from others' fear encourage us to do just that.
True enough, on all counts.