Man, I just ate up the early Hanna-Barbera heroic stuff back in the day — Jonny Quest, Space Ghost, and the Herculoids … gorgeous Alex Toth designs and it was like comic books on my TV.
It was still crappy HB limited animation, lots of repeated shots, and the plotlines were nothing to write home about, but I still loved 'em all. I wanted to be Johnny. I pretended to be (and drew stick figure comics about) Space Ghost. But the Herculoids were the most exciting, because they were a team … and any team that has a lightning-eyed/tailed dragon, a stony giant ape, and a molten-rock slinging triceratops-ish thing, was a team I wanted to watch.
Reshared post from +Mark Means
Saturday Morning Fever
Action/Adventure edition
One of my favorites…..sort of campy…, but always a fun cartoon to watch.
Zandor, along with his wife Tara and son Dorno found adventure every week on the planet Quasar. With the help of a group of strange creatures, Gloop and Gleep (a pair of shapeshifting blobs), Igoo (an ape made of stone), Zok (a flying dragon that shot lasers from it's eyes and tail…I kid you not), and Tundro (a ten legged, triceratops looking creature that shot energy rocks from his horn), they kept their planet safe from all manner of villain.
The Herculoids
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