Reshared post from +The Colbert Report
"Mitt's gonna keep those promises. I know, because I have his day one schedule right here:
Jan 20th, 2013
8am-noon — Inauguration
12:30 — Appoint cabinet
1:00 — Take photo for White House ID card
1:07 — Retake photo
1:45 — Repeal Obamacare
2:30 — Examine remains of Roswell aliens
3:00 — Unwrap Oval Office label maker
3:15 — Label China a currency manipulator
4:00 — Pick nuclear launch codes — (Maybe zip codes plus Ann's birthday?)
6:00 — Take down Biden's old Erik Estrada posters
6:15 — Get everyone in America a job
8:00 — Activate self-deportation
9:00 — Immigration solved
10:00 — With presidency completed, resign and attend an inauguration of President Ryan." — Stephen Colbert http://on.cc.com/QwuV1M
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There's a bit of a lapse there, I think. It should read…
1:45 Repeal Obamacare
2:00 (Because repealing Obamacare won't take that long) Take a swim in vault full of money, Uncle Scrooge style….
Hehe 🙂
5:30 Use Amazon purchased Avery binder to pick women in the workplace FTW!