This is actually pretty interesting, since the Denver Post is considered a center-right paper. On the other hand, it makes sense, since a lot of people consider Obama a center-right (or at least) center candidate, and much of the DP's criticism of Romney is for not running as a centrist.
I'm not thrilled by all the reasons the DP likes Obama — but they're mostly in areas that I'm not thrilled by Obama, either, and the only viable alternative is far worse in all of them.
I have no idea to what degree such newspaper endorsements carry any electoral weight any more, but given Colorado's status as a "swing state" this year, it certainly can't hurt.
(Cue HYPER-CAPITALIZED and heavily-exclamation-pointed!!!!! attacks on "this liberal rag" in the newspaper site comments in 5 .. 4 … 3 …)
Reshared post from +The Denver Post
ALERT: The Denver Post editorial board has endorsed +Barack Obama for president.
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Editorial: Barack Obama for president – The Denver Post
With the nation mired in two wars and amid an economic meltdown, we endorsed a largely untested young senator from Illinois for president in 2008.
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Oh, those wacky Post online commenters. They crazy!
Thanks for posting!
In other news, The Slat Lake Tribune endorses Obama as well.