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Kitchen Update: Architect!

So I haven't talked much about our kitchen project recently because … well … (Mutters under breath, shakes head, takes a drink.)

But, today, progress!  Our architect came over and did detailed measurements of the existing so that he can start doing as-builts and, from those, the actual design plans.

Jim, my father-in-law — who did detailed sketches and design work for what we have to date — is in town this week, which was fortuitous timing.

To date, we do have the initial structural drawings from the professional engineer. We've also determined that we don't need to get any HOA approval because …

… well, our local HOA has decided it's not really an HOA and has no enforcement authority over the CC&Rs, but is only an voluntary advisory board. Which … I hope means our neighbors don't paint their house Broncos colors next door, but anyway …

So there we are. The next step, once we have the drawings, is to get estimates. We have a contractor we've done work with — we'll see what they come up with for an actual estimate, as well as their time availability. We also have another contractor lead so we can have some options.

In some parallel and possibly more ideal world than this, we would have been actually under construction at the moment.  That's disappointing … but today, at least, we made progress. (Smiles, nods head, makes everyone a drink.)

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2 thoughts on “Kitchen Update: Architect!”

    1. They could veto the external structural changes we are making (pushing the kitchen out 10 feet). I suspect most HOAs would not have the covenant authority to control internal remodeling (though I imagine some might).

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