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There is always a reason to vote

Maybe it's to vote for someone or something.

Maybe it's to vote against someone or something.

Maybe it's just to counter the vote of a dolt like this. (Feel free to insert the hateful, substance-free, foul-mouthed, political fringe lunatic of your particular disdain here.) Because the screaming, angry, blithering sorts are, for all their flaws, motivated. They go out and vote, because it's something they can do to vent. And when enough of them do so, and enough of the relatively rational population doesn't — we get their candidates elected, not ours.

Then we scratch our heads, and wonder how our country has gone so wrong.

[Note: I don't agree, even in jest, with calling anyone an "alleged human." That's the rhetorical tactic of folks like the gent below. But the basic premise remains: If he votes, and you don't, you've conceded the field to him.]

Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:

If for no other reason, you should vote just to piss this guy off.

This Alleged Human Is Voting. Are You? (Video)
The midterm elections are just weeks away and I can’t think of a better person to get the vote out than Drew Walker, a self-described “patriot” who is upset that his videos/pictures have been repor…

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2 thoughts on “There is always a reason to vote”

  1. How truly awful it must be, to be so frightened of the “other,” that one must fill one’s mind with hatred, filth and corruption, just to dampen the fear.

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