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Dagnabbit, White People, why are you always rioting?

Is it something about your culture? Your music? Do you feel entitled to sports team wins? Or pumpkins? Is it that society has been too tolerant of your failings? Is it the cocaine? The coddling of the white majority with welfare checks and discount cell phones? The high divorce rate in the white community? The failure of white leaders to teach you that violence is wrong?

Stop being so sensitive and self-destructive. You really do need to face your own failings and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps to become a civilized part of society. Get with the program, White People! Word!

White People Rioting for No Reason
All the times white people rioted for reasons other than legitimate grievances with our legal system.

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7 thoughts on “Dagnabbit, White People, why are you always rioting?”

  1. +Mark Means In general I agree, though I think riots under guise of "protest" still warrant some consideration. Doubtless some folk are "woo-hoo, an excuse to burn and/or steal something"; others do seem to be more "screw this, if the law is so unjust, then why bother following it? and if you think me and mine are inherently violent, then let me show you what that really looks like."

    The end results may be the same (and, pretty much, negative), but how to address the causes is significantly different.

  2. "In general I agree, though I think riots under guise of "protest" still warrant some consideration."

    If it was your home or business was destroyed under the guise of "protest", I doubt you would still think the same.

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