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Non-religious groups need not apply

I suspect someone is going to file suit over this: an Ohio student mentoring program that requires schools to partner with a business organization and a "faith-based" organization in order to qualify for the state taxpayers' funding. If they have not identified a religious partner in the program, they can't qualify for any of the funds.

I have mixed feelings on faith-based programs — I think lot of churches and the like can do a good job, but it's an easy slope to slip down into proselytizing your customer base.

To require a religious organization to be a partner in the mentoring program seems inappropriate to me. It's saying that only a faith-based organization can do this work, which is not a judgment call the state should be making.

Schools need a religious partner if they want any of Gov. Kasich’s student mentorship money
Partnering with a faith-based organization is now a condition for receiving any of the $10 million in state money Gov. John Kasich has set aside for student mentoring through his new “Community Connectors” program.

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One thought on “Non-religious groups need not apply”

  1. On the other hand, if you see you are losing the battle to keep your 'values' as the baseline, making sure to indoctrinate kids is a pretty good way to counteract all that skepticism and tolerance.

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