Never mind that, in the same news cycle, they were also covering a story of some guy in Pennsylvania, with far more lax laws, gunning down his ex-wife and several former in-laws. Never mind since Australia passed highly restrictive gun control laws after a massacre in 1996 that the murder rate by firearm has plummeted, and that Australia enjoys a fraction of the gun death and gun homicide rates of the United States.
No, according to Fox the main take-away from the Sydney hostage crisis was that Australians probably wish the were all carrying guns now, because that clearly would have prevented the whole event and nobody would have shot anyone else ever again..
Fox Highlights Gun Laws In Sydney Hostage Incident But Not In Pennsylvania Spree Killing
This pisses me off to a ridiculous level, I've been attacking assholes in comments over this all day.
Fox News? Turn it off!