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Kitchen Project – Day 41

So two main construction activities today.

First, since they are going to break through the foundation of the existing house, at the basement level, into the new basement room, that side of the house needs additional support (the house not collapsing generally being considered a "positive outcome" for most construction projects). That means one more helical pier.

With the backfill all done, there was actually room for the drilling Bobcat to get in and positioned, so they did so, and drill, drill, drilled away. Eventually they pulled it back out and put in a double-helix pier, which will hold things up better.

Once done, they actually attached the pier to a remarkable metal widget, which was slid around the base of the existing basement foundation and then bolted in. This is what will cause the pier to support the existing foundation (huzzah).

Over the next few days we should see a final rough grading of the side yard to get the drainage as we need it (primarily, away from the house), then breaking into the basement so that they can see where the current slab sits, then, on Saturday, actually pouring the slab. for the basement extension. Woot!

The other project today was a "well, as long as we're paying to mobile a concrete crew" add-on: tearing out a portion of the driveway that the giant cottonwood "Old Tree Trunk" (as Kay used to call it) has pushed up sufficient to be a tripping hazard (as my sore toes can attest). The demo on that got done just fine; when they are here grading tomorrow they will haul off the rubble; when they pour the slab, they'll pour the new driveway section.



In Album Hill-Kleerup Kitchen – 2014-12-16

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One thought on “Kitchen Project – Day 41”

  1. Main problem with this is that it sticks out from the foundation about 6 inches, which will mean a thin column going up the wall in front of it when we drywall in.

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