Because, of course, why wouldn't the Senate GOP Leadership appoint to the Senate Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law someone who has never sent a email in his life?
(h/t +George Wiman)
Senator on Internet Policy Subcommittee Has “Never Sent an Email”
US Senator and delicate southern flower Lindsey Graham has, in his own words, never sent an email in his life. He also just so happens to be a member of the Senate Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law. Naturally.
I would just like to point out that on the Senator’s website, you have the option of contacting him via email. One must assume that the Senator does not ever read any of those missives, so what exactly is the point of having that option available?
Obama has 0 qualifications to begin with
+Give me liberty Or give me death you're an idiot. I say give you death
If they can legislate a woman's reproductive rights without ever having touched a conscious vagina that they weren't related to, they can legislate the internet without having sent an email.
+Arc Angelety Hey, hey. Even in the context of a self-selected goofy name, there's no call to be wishing death on anyone. Asserting idiocy, is fine (even self-evident).
+Dave Hill lol, I was mostly joking but you're right
+Arc Angelety come do it bitch
Children, don't make me pull this social medium over.
+Give me liberty Or give me death Did you know that George Bush is a drug addict, Alcoholic. & Head cheerleader?
+100% truth
Is or was?
+Give me liberty Or give me death lol
Crikey. Can't we just revel in Lindsay Graham making a dolt of himself?