I mean, yeah, it's nice when civil right recognition happens organically, and people recognize the value of human beings of various types and protect their "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
But people can be balky. Significant portions of the populace can be reluctant to recognize rights that make them uncomfortable, or angry, or that aren't the way they were taught growing up. As with the past issue of interracial marriage, or the modern issue of same-sex marriage, waiting for everyone to have their epiphany and join in a big circle singing "Kumbaya" only allows injustice to continue. When fundamental constitutional issues are at stake, the popular sentiment — whether by vote or by representative government — must give way to the law of the land.
Alabama Shows Why Civil Rights Shouldn’t Be Put to a Popular Vote
Consider for a moment what would have followed if the Supreme Court had left laws that prohibited interracial marriage “up to the states.” This is a perfect time for such reflection, as June 12, 2015, marks the 48th anniversary of the court’s historic ruling in Loving v. Virginia, a unanimous decision that…