So +Les Jenkins had a moment of droll levity at my expense in posting the below cartoon — though I'd already posted my own squeeing at the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer.
I have to give them credit: I did not have a sense that the trailer actually spoiled anything, even as it tantalized with so many fun images and portentious snippets of dialog.
That said, I will probably avoid any further trailers released until the December opening of the film. I'm already hyped, and I don't want to know any more. (Well, I want to know more, but will wait for the movie.)
Of course, any spoilers that do come out from the next trailer are likely to show up, um, here on the Intertubes ("Did you see Chewie and Leia snogging!? Talk about steam heat!"), but that's the danger one lives with when you live on the edge like I do.
Thanks for the morning comic 😉