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The Fear We Are Not Fearsome Enough

Anyone who's been watching the GOP debates, anyone who's bought into the idea that the United States has become militarily weak, and that's why Trump, or Cruz, or Rubio, or any of those guys must be elected … really, truly, sincerely needs to read this:

Jim Wright asks a lot of questions. Do you have the answers?


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11 thoughts on “The Fear We Are Not Fearsome Enough”

  1. It's a world wide multinational corporate police state where in our military is being used to protect the interests of corporations whos profit comes before the interests of Americans the real ones with heartbeats

  2. +Philipp Giddings I'm probably not quite so conspiratorial — though I've no doubt that those multinationals that prefer order — especially order that is secure and profitable for them — are happy to give a broad thumbs-up to military venturism and a Pax Americana.

    Shorter term and more concretely, I think it's still largely a matter of fear-mongering for votes.

  3. I think it's a natural response to our general societal apathy towards war. You have ISIS running around trying to control the Middle East and very few people feel motivated to care. Which is unfortunate as people are killed, raped, and tortured in the thousands.

    So it doesn't surprise me that the other political spectrum sees this as a weakness.

  4. +Philipp Giddings not sure what point you are trying to make. I agree with you, not all Christians are terrorists because of Timothy McVeigh (FTFY). Go back and read the comments above. You said not all of ISIS is Muslim. I called you out on that. I never said, "All terrorists are Muslims". Instead I am trying to insinuate that all ISIS members are either Muslims or converted Muslims.

    If you need proof go watch the videos of what ISIS does to infidels (non-Muslims).

  5. Perhaps it would be better to say that all of Da'esh identify as Muslim (and, in fact, as the only true Muslims). Which is not to say that all Muslims consider Da'esh paragons, representative of Islam, or legitimately Muslim (the opposite seems to be true).

  6. Well hairs can be split over words but their motivation through their interpretation of the Quran and Hadith is unmistakable.

    The scary thing is looking at their recruitment numbers. It's amazing how such practices can be popular in any way.

  7. +Jon Weber
    Did not say Da'esh did not claim to be Islamic.
    What I said was the media uses the term ISIS to associate all Muslims with the terrorist group. Islamic State. Not all Muslims are members of Da'esh. Nor do all Christians associate themselves with Mcvey or other extremists of his ilk.
    As far as recruitment it can not be that hard, Because most of the recruits have been in countries where our allies Saudi Arabia have been fund Wahhabism schools through out the Middle East, not to mention hundreds of years of western meddling in their affairs.
    As far as Christian superiority try to remember the "Crusades"

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