Wait, what? Congress actually did something? Something bipartisan? Something bipartisan that actually makes sense and will help people stand up against companies and preserve a civil liberty?
'The Commerce Committee held a hearing on gag clauses a year ago and said it heard "testimony from Ms. Jen Palmer, a plaintiff in Palmer v. KlearGear, where a company demanded the removal of a negative online review or payment of $3,500 in fines because the online merchant’s terms of service included a non-disparagement clause. When the review was not taken down, the company reported the unpaid $3,500 to a credit reporting agency as an outstanding debt, which negatively impacted the Palmers’ credit." Palmer beat Kleargear in court, but only after a years-long ordeal.'
Kudos (and five stars for the visit) to at least one fleeting bit of effective sanity on Capitol Hill. Almost gives me a fleeting bit of optimism.
It will soon be illegal to punish customers who criticize businesses online
Consumer Review Fairness Act bans customer gag clauses, awaits Obama signature.