Of course, he was kind of dodgy about PR early on. But he clearly wants to wash his hand of the whole hurricane thing and recovery thing and US citizen thing and humanity thing and get back to important stuff, like cutting taxes on his own wealth. He somehow thinks not doing anything further in PR will maigcally quell criticism of the federal response there.
Puerto Rico is still without drinking water for over a third of its population, and 90% of the island lacks electricity. But from Day 1, Trump and conservatives have been talking about how bad Puerto Rico’s infrastructure already was, and offering “Lucky Ducky” grumbling at how Puerto Ricans might somehow “benefit” from the hurricane disaster.
Quoth our Beloved Leader on Twitter this morning:
“Puerto Rico survived the Hurricanes, now a financial crisis looms largely of their own making.” says Sharyl Attkisson. A total lack of….. …accountability say the Governor. Electric and all infrastructure was disaster before hurricanes. Congress to decide how much to spend…. …We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!
But, then, it’s not like they’re real Americans, right? Good, English-speaking, WASPy, conservative, Trump-voting Americans, that is. Even if they do enjoy having paper towels tossed to them.
Trump threatens to abandon Puerto Rico: ‘We cannot keep military and first responders there forever!’
How about FEMA saying it wasn't their job to distribute aid?
It reminds me of how the propaganda arms of some regimes do 180° turns when the clique in charge changes. (I've always thought a great opportunity for humour was lost when Baghdad Bob wasn't kept on by the provisional government.)
I can't imagine anything like that coming from the same entity under Obama.
Oh, he got the memo. It's just that they can't vote and they're not white so he has no use for them.