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Because OF COURSE Trump wanted to change Denali back to McKinley

I swear to God, if Obama had created National The-Sky-Is-Blue Day, Trump would overturn the order and make it National The-Sky-Is-Brown Day, just for spite. (Though, come to think of it, given his activities to date regarding coal and pollution standards …)

Alaska senators tell Trump not to change back name of mountain
Alaska lawmakers reportedly declined President Trump’s offer to change the name of North America’s largest mountain from Denali back to Mount McKinley.

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19 thoughts on “Because OF COURSE Trump wanted to change Denali back to McKinley”

  1. +Theron Bretz I'm not convinced that Trump's primary animus toward Obama is racial. I suspect that's a part of it, but no more than envy over Obama being an Constitutional scholar.

    No, it's simply that Trump is the new alpha dog in the kennel, and he must piss all over any place where the previous alpha dog was, because otherwise he's not the alpha dog. It's narcissism more than racism.

  2. D's obsessive efforts to undo everything his predecessor achieved just underlines what an insecure, un-innovative little man he is. A leader confident of his own abilities would be looking forward towards the future (not behind him at the past) and charting the course to achieving much more significant NEW breakthrough milestones that would benefit humankind.

  3. +Dave Hill​ I really don't know Theron could have a point. And I'm not saying that because of use of an eraser but because … and I'm really glad to see this because I do have a theory, opinion call it what you want. The narcissistic personality yes but this gets deeper than that, I'm sure Dave as learned as you are will remember. There was this idiot back during macarthy era named roy cohen now he was the master mind behind the whole witch hunt in the fifty's so this nut was a mentor to dummy (trump )and the other lakky stone. Now if you look at the mode of operandi then is taking place now. The same as then is takinf placenow The only difference is this time the fool is already in office. And the racist direction is nothing more than a tool that was bought just to get into the office and really he's scared to death that the inbred population will come to get him… as well he just wears it so well

  4. Are we related to each other lol I'm Walter Earl Hall my grandma's name is Everly Dubose she got remarried after my and granddaddy died his name was Walter Woodrow Wilson Hall

  5. Hey charlie ..being from the far north country..everything that obama did. Was to fuck this country up royally..and theres alot of alaskans that want the old name back..thars where that came from

  6. Thank God for PRESIDENT TRUMP and his ability to help this nation recover from the lack of leadership displayed by Obama and to enforce economic standards and eliminate the job crushing environmental regulations that were disastrous to be gin with. God Bless President Trump!!!

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