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Trump’s disdain for Native Americans isn’t limited to all the “Pocahontas” jabs

And he’s moving to express it with all available speed. After all, there’s Obama Era actions to undo, oil and gas interests to pay back, and environmentalists and minorities to torque off. The man’s on a schedule people!

…[T]the president will visit Salt Lake City, Utah, next Monday to announce that he’s shrinking national monuments of huge importance to Native Americans. Without visiting the monuments he’s targeted, Trump is expected to announce his decision on a review conducted by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. He reportedly told Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) that he will shrink the 1.35 million acres Bears Ears and 1.9 million acres Grand Staircase-Escalante monuments to a fraction of their original sizes.

More specifically, Bears Ears will be cut to 100,000 to 300,000 acres; Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument will be shrunk in half, to between 700,000 and 1.2 million acres.

But take the long view, folks. I’m sure that when coal, oil, and gas interests are done, and other business interests have had their go at the territory, everyone will agree that the areas outside the redrawn monuments won’t be worth preserving.

After insulting Native Americans, Trump goes after their sacred land
Ancient rock carvings, burial grounds, and ceremonial sites are all at stake.

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105 thoughts on “Trump’s disdain for Native Americans isn’t limited to all the “Pocahontas” jabs”

    This area is too powerful and too Fragile to DESTROY with your Fracking and Digging and Drilling and Exploiting.
    Rise up STAND UP!
    This is the Land of the PEople..and they have been the Stewards for Thousands of years.
    NO MORE KILLING all of us.

  2. He didn't insult Native American he insulted someone who pretended to be a full blooded Native to get a job. That nickname for her(emphases on her) has been around for at least two years. And the media missed it amazingly enough.

  3. +Louis Doggett (1) "Pocahontas" is generally considered a slur within the Native American community. If he were to refer to someone who was allegedly passing themselves off as "Little Black Sambo," African-Americans would be similarly irked.

    (2) Sen. Warren's claim to Native American heritage is based on family tradition, and there's no indication she did it to (or succeeded in doing so) get a job. []

  4. +John Bailey She pretended to be something she wasn't to get a job. She may have even admitted to it if I recall.

    But what are you babbling about with the rest of that ?

    And there is a native American tribe around here-in calif-who are definitely parsing how much of the right type of blood someone has.

  5. +John Bailey i am 1/128 which is more than this pocahontas and i consider my self very white but i guess you would be fine with me saying is was native and on college and job applications so i can be put higher on the list due to affirmative action programs and be elected congressman by people who feel that "muh feewings" are more important than truth and learning not to be and excuse my french LITTLE PUSSYS

  6. +Jacob riddle How much "blood" is in a person's ancestry, is a measure dreamed up by the American Govt. A tribe is a social unit. Blacks and whites could be welcomed into the tribe. Osceola, a well known Seminole, had mostly white blood. If you want to support Trump and all of his outrageous behavior. Fine. But get your facts straight first.
    I plan on blocking you, and all of the other trogs that turn up on these posts.

  7. sadly enough our US president is not only destroying what Obama did, he s separating the US and separating the US from the rest of the world. We are in 2017. Our planet needs to evolve and not regress.

  8. +Dave Hill No, sounds like YOU need to get a job!! Native Americans have been paid beaucoup restitution & are reading $$billions every year!! I call you a "fkn left wing-nut," does that make me a racist to whatever YOU are??

  9. Donald Trump is NOT against Indians. The liberal media is twisting this too. He took a jab at Warren because she LIED. She's no more an Indian than my dog is. I'm sick and damn tired if this liberal shit showing up in my feed.

  10. +Craig Griffin​ well yeah, I believe that trump called her Pocahontas, that's just the kind of person he is.
    But straight up reducing sacred Native American land? I don't believe that

    And not to mention that this article was only made AFTER Trump called Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas", kinda sketchy if you ask me

  11. +Louis Doggett She didn’t get a job because of it. Look it up.
    She did claim heritage from Cherokee, as do a lot of people, based on family history. Poor move. But not insulting.

    And yes, all tribes do membership based on blood. A system basically forced on them by the federal government.

  12. What bs propaganda will you come up with next Dave? Picturing ancient ruins not even remotely related to any existing tribe is nonsense. Calling some area "sacred" just because they have ancestors that walked across it is nonsense. Find a real "cause" to salivate over. Maybe homeless peoples of any race or creed.

  13. +Louis Doggett The media didn't miss Trump referring to Senator Warren as "Pocahontas".
    Her statement regarding there being Native American blood in her family tree was not made to get elected. She was already in office when she made the statement.
    This is just more of the same assholery that Republicans used on Vice President Gore with respect to his role in making the Internet public – i.e. a blatant misstatement of the facts.

  14. +Steve Sauls the magic phrase is “may also create barriers to achieving energy independence”. That particular aspect ha been used over and over again to strip Native Americans of protected land. Yes, the order is totally couched to sound reasonable. Until of course you realize that all these considerations were made when the land was originally protected. So there is one and only one reason to review the decisions—they want to take away the protections. Go ask a Native American what they think. The government has been screwing them for hundreds of years. They know exactly what the goal is here.

  15. Bernard Cook — No, asserting that Native Americans are somehow conning the rest of America for billions of dollars, so all is well with tem, just makes you an asshole. Aloha.

  16. Steve Sauls — The EO in question was the basis for the review on whether (or, by clear intent, how) to reduce the size of national monuments, so that the lands could be used for extractive industries.

  17. +Dirt Juice "…ancient ruins not even remotely related to any existing tribe"

    The ruins pictured are, as noted via the original article, ruins at Bears Ears National Monument (at least as currently defined).

    Aside from being valuable archaeological sites, if they are deemed sacred or meaningful by the Native American tribes in the area, why would you question whether that's a legitimate claim?

    "Calling some area "sacred" just because they have ancestors that walked across it is nonsense."

    So you deem yourself the proper arbiter of whether someone's claim that something is sacred is, in fact, sacred. Good to know. Are there any sites or objects you consider sacred that we can all pass judgment on? What is the objective basis for deeming something sacred, or not so?

  18. The issue here is NOT About Elizabeth Warren.. It IS About Trump and the Destruction Crew, who are opening Protected, Preserved, and Sacred Lands, to the Greedy Bastards who want to Exploit it.
    This is WRONG, AND IT IS A stupid THING TO DO…
    People need to be outraged against this.

  19. He has no respect for what is dear to the hearts of the Indians. The shrinking of the national monuments is like desecrating them. Perhaps, after visiting the graveyard, he will get a memorial park there for himself.

  20. +Kee Hinckley
    Israel is not a part of this Area…
    And your Remark about Sacred Lands shows your lack of knowledge… about this Land and its historical significance, to the People who lived on it for Thousands of years.
    The Land is very fragile and Exploitation will DESTROY it and kill it.
    When the Water is Poisoned, Life…Dies.
    Water IS…LIFE!

  21. +D J E E I'm on your side on this. I was just making fun of him. Since I suspect what he really mean was that "non-Christian sacred lands" were nonsense. People like him don't believe any other culture has worthwhile beliefs.

  22. +Dave Hill no, Trump is insulting nobody because "Pocahontas" is a romanticized Walt Disney princess altrough she did existed at the beginning of 1600 but unfortunately, historically speaking, there is much conjecture but nevertheless represented an interesting chapter In native history. That said in July 2015, the Pamunkey Indian Tribe, descendants of the Powhatan chiefdom, of which Pocahontas was a member, became the first federally recognized tribe in the state of Virginia. I personally find it incredible that you all have transformed Trump's word as a "tremendous" racist slur knowing very well that that Warren has been lying about her ancestors, Cherokee of all people, in order to be more "popular" towards native Americans. In plain English they should be offended that Warren is a fake. Don't invent fake news and stop being obsessed with Trump…

  23. +Dave Hill​ You are right she didn't make the claim to get a job, she apparently did it to get money for school. Aside from family oral history there doesn't appear to be any evidence of there being any Indians in her family.

    On the flip side, it seems no one verified weather or not the facts matched the claims.

  24. And I'm 2/8th's Cherokee on my mother's side. You can check the register my grandmother family was registered under the name Pete Smith by her uncle. And I take offense to every racist thing that Trump does.

  25. So, all back-and-forth about Elizabeth Warren aside, sad to think we can’t set aside land for some more long-term and higher purpose than resource extraction and have it stay set aside. The very concept of value is broken.

  26. +Paolo Viti I'm so glad to hear that you're the be-all expert as to who gets offended by what, let alone whether it is justified. I'm sure your phone is quite busy with the consulting business you must have built from that.

    I'm also impressed that you have such certainty over Warren's intentional deceit on this matter, and remarkably full knowledge that everyone in her family was similarly deceitful in their tradition that there was Native American heritage in their background, specific to a particular individual.

    That said, the particular news here is only tangential to Trump's repeated use of "Pocahontas" toward Warren; plans to significantly reduce these National Monuments are not "fake news." Indeed, Trump and his supporters have boasted about them.

  27. +Katherin Keegan While it is clear that the school made use of her claimed status for their own purposes, it's not clear that she did.

    As to only "family oral history," since she wasn't making a claim of Native American heritage under a law that has particular requirements around it, how was that deceitful?

    One of my great-grandmothers came to the US from Mexico in the 19th Century. Would it be deceitful for me to claim HIspanic heritage? Family tradition, unattached to any firm documentary evidence I can find, indicates her branch of the family were "pure" European, only a generation or two from Spain. Is it up to me to make a judgment call on that?

  28. +Paolo Viti " I think that there is far more serious problems then calling Pocahontas that lying Warren, don't you think so?"

    Dude, you're the one that keeps bringing it up and arguing for it, and the original post only mentioned it tangentially in its focus on, yes, another serious problem.

  29. +Dave Hill sure dude, what a shame that you started all this not me, Trump here, Trump there, but all is fine with the other side. Please keep on believing in fairy tales, it is your right, but try to remember that in politics nobody is a saint but simply a question of power….

  30. +Paolo Viti when it come's to politics it about who you can live with and not loose your value system. I was raised up with cousin's who married into black and Mexican families so I have second cousin's who are mix breed. To have an ignorant racist come in and spread hate against my family because of the race and nothing more just don't cut. And now he's attacking my grandmother's family and myself now with his attack on native Americans. I'm 2/8ths Cherokee. May not have grown up with the tradition's but I'm proud of where I came from.

  31. +Julia Piatt They missed that she had been called that for some where around two years. He was just repeating something that is almost old.

    BTW that is about the seventh time he has done that. Say something that freaks out liberals and the media but yet it's been around so long he is late in repeating it. And seemingly the media has missed it zipping back and forth around the US.

  32. +Julia Piatt Her statement was to get a job I believe. But I heard the statement that Gore made, the phrasing of it made it sound as the GOP said it sounded like. Rather he meant it that way is another matter. But your side does the same thing with Republicans

  33. +Louis Doggett Um, no, nobody thinks that Trump invented the label as a nickname for Warren (that would be the ever-classy Scott Brown), just that he keeps using it.

    And, no, there's no indication that she used her family tradition to "get a job".

    But go ahead and keep saying demonstrably untrue stuff.

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