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Your tax dollars at work

What do school vouchers mean in this age of Betsy DeVos?

Vouchers for private education are not new to this Administration, but as Trump’s Secretary of Education, De Vos has been pushing those programs like crazy. Public schools, after all, are full of government and unions and even (crazy though it sounds) minorities and poor people and unbelievers. Only by taking tax dollars and turning them over to private educational institutions can good people get the right-thinking education for their successors followers children.

So what sorts of things do kids get to learn at some of the more, um, devout private schools that are paid for by voucher programs?

— How Satan invented “psychology” and “evolution” in the late 1800s in a plot against the growth of Christianity in the United States.

— How women getting the vote led to increasingly un-Biblical behavior in the United States.

— How the Civil War was really a punishment by God of blasphemy and religious cults, and how He made a good thing out of it by causing the South to rise again as the Bible Belt.

Remember, these are lessons being taught from book being bought with your tax dollars, handed over to religious zanies running private schools who are thrilled to have such funding, even as they despise the government that makes it possible.

These Schools Are Teaching Some Truly Insane Things
HuffPost looked into the curricula at Betsy DeVos’s preferred form of education.

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