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A confederate flag compromise that isn’t

I’d love to know whether GOP state rep Greg Snowden is being naive or nefarious in proposing a solution to the debate in Mississippi over continued use of the Confederate battle ensign in its state flag that will likely only satisfy the folk who want to keep that tribute to the slave-holding South.

Snowden has filed a bill saying that the state can have two flags, “that may be flown with equal status and dignity to represent our state as we are beginning our third century as a member of the United States.” (With, ironically, a brief pause in there while they withdrew from the Union and fought under the Confederate States).

Ironically, the second flag Snowden proposes is the Magnolia Tree flag — which is what the state used 1861-65, while it was rebelling. So his actual proposal is to use either the 1894 flag (which includes the Confederate battle flag in the corner), or the flag the state used when it was actually fighting for the right to hold slaves — and let people decide which to use, which should flag higher on a single pole, and/or which is more likely to alienate or torque off the neighbors.

Yeah, that’s not really a compromise.

Mississippi could become the first US state to have 2 official flags because of a dispute over the Confederacy
A bill in the Mississippi House of…

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4 thoughts on “A confederate flag compromise that isn’t”

  1. +Mechanical Menace You are not a "politician," but you're clearly a homophobe (given that you use "gay" as an epithet), and a dolt who doesn't understand how G+'s recommendations work (or how to turn them off).

    And for someone not a "politician," your profile posts show a lot of politically-focused items.

    But, hey, let me help you not worry about "this gay shit on my feed" any more. Aloha.

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