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We're separating children and parents — with no idea of how to reunite them

And, it seems, little intent to do so.

Kid and parents aren't being tracked together except during initial handling by CBP — as they move forward, their cases are being handled by very different agencies, which don't seem to be following such tracking … such that there are documented cases where the parents have been deported back home, and the kids are still somewhere in the US, difficult to track down even for immigration lawyers here, let alone for parents in impoverished villages in Central America.

The separation policy, especially give that it seems to be being done mostly for publicity and to give Trump leverage in immigration debates with the Democrats, is demonstrably inhumane. That it's being bungled, or handled in such a haphazard and neglectful fashion by intent, is unconscionable.

(Dear Readers Who Decide to Say, "Well, it's the parents' fault for crossing into the US illegally," you have both missed a number of points and are showing a lack of empathy that borders on psychopathy, and you will be booted to the door.)

(Dear Readers Who Decide to Say, "This is all the Democrats' fault for [fake historical reasons] / not giving in to Trump's demands," do some actual research [start with], and also consider what actions on the President's part you are justifying in his pursuit of his own political advantage.)

The Government Has No Plan for Reuniting the Immigrant Families It Is Tearing Apart | The New Yorker

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