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The Time Trump Tried to Fraudulently Scare Everyone Into Building a Wall

No, no, it's not politics — it's an episode of the TV Western Trackdown in 1958, when a con man named Trump tried to convince a small Texas town that the world was going to end — unless they paid him for the secret to building a wall around their town.

NARRATOR: The people were ready to believe. Like sheep they ran to the slaughterhouse. And waiting for them was the high priest of fraud.

TRUMP: I am the only one. Trust me. I can build a wall around your homes that nothing will penetrate.

TOWNSPERSON: What do we do? How can we save ourselves?

TRUMP: You ask how do you build that wall. You ask, and I’m here to tell you.

And if it's too silly to believe that a slick fast-talker could convince a populace that only he, and his wall, could protect them from destruction, all the while threatening to sue people who claim he's a fraud … well, then just enjoy the great Robert Culp as the Texas Ranger Hoby Gilman bringing the snake-oil salesman down.

[via and the Infinite Monkey Theorem]

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2 thoughts on “The Time Trump Tried to Fraudulently Scare Everyone Into Building a Wall”

  1. Yes, this makes you wonder if The Great Scriptwriter is having one of His jokes.

    Or, perhaps time travellers are planting clues for fun. The Simpsons episode could also be one. Who has the credit for these stories?

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