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The GOP is facing a donor rebellion

I’d like to think that at least some donor rebellion — especially at the grass roots — is from more general buffoonery from the Congressional GOP and the President, but evidently, at least from the big donors, it’s because Congress has managed to do largely bupkis in terms of doing anything to further the Republican cause other than canceling a bunch of Obama regulations and approving a bunch of Trump nominees.

So, yeah, if I were a big-money GOP contributor, I’d be kind of torqued that they’ve managed to fritter away several months rather than robbing poor people of health care, giving the monetary savings to corporations and wealthy donors like me, and generally rolling back all change since the Gilded Age.

Oh, and look, it’s Corey Gardner, my (sigh) junior Senator, running the GOP’s mid-term reelection effort. Well, he doesn’t have to worry — he’s not up for reelection until 2020. Just like Trump.

Behind New Obamacare Repeal Vote: ‘Furious’ G.O.P. Donors – The New York Times
Donations to the party are down, and Senator Cory Gardner warned his colleagues that they have to show some results.

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3 thoughts on “The GOP is facing a donor rebellion”

  1. Contemplating donations is no different than having a solicitation quota. Do your job, do it right and the donors will do their part. To hastily press an issue or change the course midway to impress a money backer is nothing more than whoring your integrity out.

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