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The Rambling-to-the-Point-of-Incoherence President

I’d say this zany stream of consciousness was remarkably entertaining, if it weren’t coming from the freaking President of the United States.

This reads like being trapped with your drunken Uncle Fred in the parlor at Thanksgiving and having to listen to him babble through all his pet peeves while taking long swigs of Wild Turkey at key moments. Except that everyone else in the parlor is yelling and screaming and cheering and egging him on.

Really, this is a deeply disturbing story.

(If anyone can dig up some glaring contradictions between what was reported and this video of the event, I’d actually be grateful. I can’t bring myself to watch it for an hour and a half.)

‘I love Alabama — it’s special’: At rally for Sen. Luther Strange, Trump vents frustrations in rambling speech
Trump said that his endorsement of Sen. Luther Strange might have been a mistake. He also said a lot of other things over nearly 90 minutes.

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4 thoughts on “The Rambling-to-the-Point-of-Incoherence President”

  1. Ok i got 20 minutes in. To the point of Obama care and stopped the video.
    The closing off the banks from north Korea thing was not from the Chinese president like trump said, it was sanctions from the UN. Also, the person running for the seat was only up there for 10 minutes, trump was there for an hour and a half talking about his "accomplishments", by going through his standard jobs sphiel, and current events. He mentioned that the population of the state of Alabama skyrocketed, and that jobs were going there, when I fact checked that, there was nothing there to back it up. When he got to Obama care I stopped.

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